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Everything posted by jmerrill

  1. I have a List Summary Block with the title and excerpt displaying (see screenshot below). The excerpt is the numbered item. Is there a way to reposition the excerpt so it displays to the left of the title? If not, is there some other way to achieve this look, all within a List Summary Block? URL: https://artdomain.co/
  2. I've included a 1px border on the site header section but would like to remove it just for the homepage. URL: https://artdomain.co/
  3. @Ziggy Brilliant - works perfectly now. Thank you!
  4. I am using the following code to apply a border radius to all "wall" summary blocks: // Wall Summary Blocks - Global // .sqs-gallery-design-autocolumns .summary-thumbnail { border-radius: 8px !important; } However, this isn't working. Can anyone let me know how to resolve. Thanks URL: https://upliftingme.co/edward-hopper
  5. @tuanphan perfect! don't mind the manual. Thanks!
  6. Thank you @tuanphan works perfect - and you helped me discover a typo 🙂
  7. @tuanphan Yes, that's what I meant by "subpages". When a visitor clicks on any item on the Movements page, and is taken to that "subpage", I would like for the Movements nav item to still be in an active state. Similarly, I'd like the same to happen for "Artists", "Articles" and "Quizzes" nav items.
  8. I have a newsletter block in the footer of my site. Is there a way to have the newsletter form (email input and button) refresh—with inputs and button reappearing—once a subscriber presses the subscribe button? URL: upliftingme.co
  9. I'm currently using this code to display underlines on a parent-level active page: .header-nav-item--active a { border-bottom: 2px solid #D79D4D !important; background-image: none !important; } For subpages that technically belong under a parent nav item, is there a way to force that underline to continue to display on it's subpages? URL: upliftingme.co
  10. @creedon sorry about that. Okay I added it back in—specifically the code listed below: h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, p a { border-bottom : 1px solid transparent; } h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover, h4 a:hover, p a:hover { border-bottom-color : currentColor; }
  11. Hey @creedon thanks for the code. I tried the first batch with solid transparent but still no change. What I don't understand though is why are only the footer links shifting? None of the other links on the site (homepage or anywhere else) shift.
  12. Anyone know why the hyperlinks are shifting slightly on hover — and how to fix. I've only seen this happen in my footer so far. URL: upliftingme.co Screen Recording 2023-12-27 at 9.46.10 AM.mov
  13. @tuanphan You can disregard this request for the moment. I have someone working on the site and don't want to interfere with their page load speed. I'll hit you up when I'm ready to continue on this.
  14. @Ziggy Thanks but didn't work. Found out from @inside_the_square that the selector is actually: .sqs-gallery-design-autocolumns. Tried it, it works!
  15. @tuanphan Well, something definitely changed now. I get a black screen with a logo loading and then the black screen swipes out.
  16. I'd like to be able to adjust the title and excerpt padding just for the wall summary blocks. URL: https://upliftingme.co
  17. Not working yet 😞 Tried it in config and live site on multiple pages. no change. Q: Was this code suppose to apply page transitions site-wide or do I need additional code to assign it it to specific pages?
  18. I have some short lessons I've built here: https://upliftingme.co/lesson-1-claude-monet When clicking the next / previous buttons, I'd like a page swipe transition to occur, instead of the default page load. Any ideas?
  19. @Ziggy Thanks for the code! Here's some additional info: I'm creating lessons pages (don't ask me why I'm not using the built-in Courses), which you can see here: https://upliftingme.co/lesson-1-claude-monet I've hidden the header and footer on each of these pages and would like to have the buttons shown at the bottom of the pages display as fixed - meaning sticking "sticky" to the bottom with the z-index being 100 (on top of everything else).
  20. I'd like to hide my existing site footer on certain selected pages and make the section just above that hidden footer fixed. URL: upliftingme.co
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