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Everything posted by kellyhutsbydesigns

  1. Just to throw in some more background on this in case it's useful to anyone with the same issue. I had a problem with my client's site's header menu. It would disappear on some browsers and cover the top of the overlay menu with a white bar on others, plus general juddering and scrolling issues. All on mobile. After painstakingly removing hundreds of lines of code line-by-line, it did indeed turn out to be the line: html, body {overflow-x:hidden;} and as @tuanphan suggested, changing it to body {overflow-x:hidden;} was the fix. I'd really like to understand from any of the experts on here why that code no longer works? I must have had it in use for three years+ with no issue before (I don't even know why it was there but clearly I had some horizontal overflow at some point that necessitated adding that!).
  2. I came across this looking for a similar solution - I'm using a free elfsite plugin for reviews on a client's site. When they reach the free views it disappears for the remainder of the month. I thought I'd hacked my way around that by hiding a 'See reviews' link underneath the widget so that it was visible whenever the widget wasn't, but the link isn't clickable, presumably because it's underneath the code block. Is there a way for it to be hidden only when the views have expired? https://www.thefiftychoir.com/ @creedon Any help would be hugely appreciated!
  3. Hi Paul, thanks for taking the time to answer. You're spot on that a header doesn't load so it makes total sense that it's not working. However, I added the Jquery to the footer code and it's still not firing the zaps. I can see the code on the Order Status page, but - as you pointed out - there's no footer as such, the code injection is loading in the page body but it's after the section labelled js-visible, so am I right to surmise that that the footer injection isn't visible and that's why it's not working? Is there any way we can force that script higher up the page? And would it make a difference? Or is it just a site-tight and wait and see what happens with the Order status page as it potentially changes over the coming weeks?
  4. Hi. Can anyone help? I had Zapier code on the Order Confirmation page - fired after purchase to put the user's email in the correct Mailchimp group so they would receive the correct login details for their particular course purchase. Squarespace instructed to migrate this code to the new order status page as it's replacing the confirmation page and the zaps no longer fire. Any thoughts as to why and how to go about troubleshooting this? They're on the page, but no longer do anything.
  5. Site URL: https://experience-jefferson.squarespace.com/ Is there any way I can code a focal point to a video banner in css? All the client's videos are cropped tightly to the top, so there is lots of heads cutting cut off at certain device sizes! I want to push them all down so that the top of the video aligns with the top of the banner section - rather than the videos being cropped equally from top and bottom. Bonus would also be to force the video banner below the menu bar, rather than under it as this also doesn't help (I have given that section a margin-top to push it lower but doing this by % or px is obviously an imperfect solution as the menu size is changeable. Is there a way to specify that the margin-top of that section is equal to whatever the current menu bar height is?) https://experience-jefferson.squarespace.com/ pwrd: jeff
  6. Site URL: https://dev-sioux-city-public-museum.squarespace.com https://dev-sioux-city-public-museum.squarespace.com/exhibitions/a-life-in-the-wild-t-d-mangelsen Password: scpm I found some fabulous code on a blog (sorry, I can't find it to reference!) which allowed me to add these 'This a past event' messages on any events which have already passed. However, the Java script which takes note of the date is using the date the event started, instead of the date the event finished. For example - this event runs Nov 27th - March 31st - I want the message to kick in on April 1st, but it's been showing since Nov 27th. This is the code I'm using: <!-- PAST EVENTS MESSAGE --> <script> // Change past events styling// if ( document.body.classList.contains('collection-type-events-stacked') && document.body.classList.contains('view-item') ) { // Get the date of the event from the datetime attribute of the event-date element var eventDate = document.getElementsByClassName("event-date")[0].getAttribute("datetime"); // Get today's date var expDate = new Date(); // Convert the dates to numbers, for simplicity var eventDateParsed = Date.parse(eventDate); var expDateParsed = Date.parse(expDate); // Add one day (in milliseconds) to today's date // This ensures that the class isn't added until the event has ended expDateParsed = expDateParsed + (24*60*60*1000); // Finally, calculate whether the date is in the past or present/future and apply the appropriate class to the body if ( eventDateParsed < expDateParsed ) { document.body.classList.add("pastEvent"); } else { document.body.classList.add("futureEvent"); } } </script>
  7. Thanks so much @paul2009 This didn't work for me using the section ID, but it did with the block ID... <div id="no-events"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function () { var sfSummaryExists = document.querySelector("#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1639337200029_6221 .summary-title"); if (sfSummaryExists == null) { document.getElementById('no-events').innerHTML = "Sorry, we don't currently have any guided tours upcoming."; } }); </script> @iamdavehart Sorry - have only just seen your reply! Great suggestion, will test this one too and report back. Thanks guys!
  8. @paul2009 That's what I thought but I wasn't able to edit your code to achieve that. Could you drop me a price over to do that please?
  9. @tuanphan Yes! After a looong time I got it to work! Thank you
  10. Hi @paul2009 I've spent ages trying to work out why this wouldn't work on one of my pages when it was working perfectly well on another, this makes total sense now! Is it possible to target one block or section at a time with this at all? I have a museum with different event types so several summaries all on the one page.
  11. Hi @tuanphan Firstly - thank you so much, this is really helpful as always! Do you know if I can differentiate between the individual pages in a portfolio and the main portfolio 'landing' page which displays the thumbnail images for each portfolio item? I have added the sidebar from SQSthemes to a portfolio collection, but I don't want it to display on the main portfolio page - just the individual portfolio items. I have the option to omit certain page IDs in the sidebar code, but I can't seem to target that main page only. I want to avoid listing all of the individual portfolio items in the 'allowed' list as there will be lots of them, but there will only be five main portfolio pages in the 'not allowed' list. If that makes sense?! Site is https://dev-bcco.squarespace.com/ pward: bcco The page I'm currently working on is: BLINDS > Roller Blinds
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