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  1. Site URL: https://www.angieand.co/mini-shoots/headshot-minis Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to edit the event details on the left, the font, in 7.1/fluid engine? I believe fluid engine doesn't work on event pages yet but I have it on other parts of the site if thats relevant. https://www.angieand.co/mini-shoots/headshot-minis Thank you!
  2. If anyone needed it, this is what I used to reduce the fonts and remove links in the footer in 7.1: /* footer font h4 underline remove */ footer.sections h4 { font-size: 11px; } #footer-sections .sqs-block-html a { text-decoration : unset; }
  3. @tuanphan I added this with the section ID but its not working for me. Did I do it wrong? (you are an admin on this site btw 🙂 https://chameleon-tambourine-hd67.squarespace.com /* auto click user items list arrow right Version : 0.1d0 SS Version : 7.1 Dependancies : jQuery Note : this effect is not active in SS Preview to test it use private browsing < https://bit.ly/3f6lhq2 >. By : Thomas Creedon < http://www.tomsWeb.consulting/ > */ const clickIntervalSeconds = 6; const dataSectionIds = [ // '[data-section-id="615dfcb5a76ca6638a8b6619"]', ]; // do not change anything below, there be the borg here if ( window.frameElement !== null ) return; // bail if in Preview let selector = [ '.user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button--right', '.user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button--right', ]; // begin shotgun selector if ( ! dataSectionIds.length ) dataSectionIds.push ( '' ); selector = $.map ( selector, function ( s, i ) { if ( ! dataSectionIds.length ) dataSectionIds.push ( '' ); const a = $.map ( dataSectionIds, function ( d, i ) { if ( d ) d = '[data-section-id="' + d + '"] '; return d + s; } ) return a; } ) .join ( ', ' ); // end shotgun selector const $button = $( selector ); if ( ! $button.length ) return; // bail if no button const click = ( ) => { $button.click ( ); } setInterval ( click, clickIntervalSeconds * 1000 ); } ); </script>
  4. @tuanphanyes I can add it back in but it was so large and I had to show the client....adding it now.
  5. @tuanphan I tried this but its not working on mine. On a mobile deivce the logo is still huge.... I put this in based on the below... div#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1621874848761_8731 img { position: fixed; top: 20%; right: 0; width: 50px; } https://ferret-octagon-c2hw.squarespace.com
  6. @tuanphan sorry so add the first code to CSS or header injection? Not Sure what you mean add to each social profile....
  7. Site URL: https://raspberry-seahorse-2ltg.squarespace.com/ Hi! I'm trying to create multiple linkedin icons for the team so it goes to their LinkedIn pages. But the social links will only allow one per. Is there a way to do that with an icon? Site: https://raspberry-seahorse-2ltg.squarespace.com/ 7.1
  8. I just changed the opacity. Was looking for code to make the thumbnail alternate from a black and white image to full color.
  9. Could some help me as well? Trying to make this grid of portfolio images go from black and white to color or vice versa? https://maracas-pineapple-48rb.squarespace.com/ 7.1 Site.
  10. That is good to know. I had to go in and add the images to all 300 posts still unfortunately.
  11. @trixiefilms I just did it and it worked. Took forever and there's formatting that has to be fixed, but its better than having to go through and do it manually 400x in my case.
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