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I'm looking for some insight into custom CSS to help organize my image gallery blocks on the photography page of my website. The site is built on the Hawley template in squarespace 7.1.
Is it at all possible to create keyword filters that can help people sort through images in a gallery block, instead of me manually sorting the images into separate gallery blocks or individual pages?
For example, since you can add a title or description to each image in a gallery block, could I possibly add keywords to each image upon upload (eg. Portrait, Travel, etc) and create a simple menu or nav on the page above the gallery block that lets people select one, and auto filter to show them only those images tagged with those keywords?
I feel like the simple solution would be to create a different gallery block or carousel for each genre of work, or to create a dropdown under the Photo tab in the nav, nest various galleries in there, and manually separate these things. However, I think it would be a very intuitive feature to be able to sort, based on keyword tags, in one gallery, similar to how you can filter by brand on most web stores.