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Everything posted by rotanzdesign

  1. Thanks for the response @tuanphan. I ended up going a different direction and doing a section background video instead of an embed block since I couldn't figure out a way to get it to work. Appreciate you looking into this!
  2. Hi! Chiming in because I'm running into similar issues with getting my embedded Vimeo video to autoplay. I originally had the video directly uploaded to Squarespace and loved how I had control of the settings (and autoplay worked like a dream), but it made the page size HUGE. I don't have much experience with video or compression so I switched to the Vimeo embed option. I've added the ?autoplay=1 to the embed code and tried lots of different things, but cannot for the life of me get the video to autoplay. Anyone have any ideas? Here's one embed option I used without any luck: <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/1004160063?h=63770b9c95?autoplay=1&loop=1&background=1&amp;badge=0&amp;autopause=0&amp;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="video_wallpaper"></iframe>
  3. @LauraLeigh I just added it to the notes in the form submission. Sorry you're still dealing with this!!
  4. @LauraLeigh I was very vague and said something like I'd be looking into pursuing legal action. That seemed to be the only thing needed. Worth trying!
  5. After working on a bunch of Squarespace ecommerce sites in the past, I've since decided to stop designing and building online stores on Squarespace due to the many frustrations I've come across: mainly shipping and sales tax issues. Even on the smallest online stores, there always seems to be a problem. A couple examples: 1) One of my clients only had TWO products: a physical gift card and a t-shirt. Clearly we had to collect sales tax on the t-shirt, but we can't add sales tax to the gift card since the customer pays sales tax when they visit the store. There was no workaround to this except to use a third party (TaxJar) and pay $19/month just to utilize this small feature. 2) Another client had a relatively small store (about 5 products). Most of the products were merchandise and not time sensitive, but they did have one product that was food and had to be overnighted. The only way we could make this work was to hope that people selected the correct shipping option at checkout. BUT if they wanted multiple products it was very confusing during checkout. They since moved to Shopify and I don't blame them. It looks like there are fulfillment profiles now which may help with different shipping options for different products, but has this helped? I recently started a new website for a client that didn't initially want online store capabilities, but naturally they do now so I'm trying to see what I can do. If I had known this from the start, I wouldn't have taken on the job because it's caused me so much headache in the past. I haven't done an online store in a while so I was hoping I could get some feedback from people that have lately. Is it better now? Any insight is appreciated!
  6. Thanks for this @derricksrandomviews ! I think this might be our next move. In other news! I was able to get the site unblocked from Spectrum by threatening legal action. I was encouraged by someone who recently did the same thing and when I resubmitted the site to be unblocked (for the 5th or 6th time), I added a note in the comments that a friend of mine got their site unblocked by threatening legal action and that it really wasn't a route I wanted to pursue, but I was running out of options. I just received a confirmation email that my request was granted with a note, "We have reviewed and approved your request to unblock thefrench-farmhouse.com. We found this website was incorrectly blocked and is safe to visit. To prevent this from happening again, we’ll update our security rating for this website. This process can take up to 48 hours to complete." So there's a win! It's clearly getting flagged still is some corners of the internet / internet providers so it's not a full solution, but at least we're chipping away.
  7. @cami_leisk Appreciate the update and know that you aren't alone in circular hell hah. I just got off the phone with Cox and they said they can see that it's being blocked, but that they don't actually block sites on their end so there was nothing she could do. She did give me a few tools to check the health of the domain: https://www.dnsqueries.com/ https://mxtoolbox.com/ Going to look into that. My site hosts it's domain with ZenBusiness and I've been worried that that might be the issue. I've almost transferred the domain to Squarespace a few times but Squarespace told me they couldn't promise that would resolve the issue and I was worried about down time for no reason. Might be the way to go. Appreciate your insight too @derricksrandomviews
  8. @paul2009 That makes sense! Thanks for sharing this info 🙏
  9. Is there a way to have the "Sign up for news and updates" box automatically checked on a form that requires someone's email? Obviously they'll have the option to uncheck it, but my client would like to have this already checked when they get to the page. The page is currently password protected while we build it out, but you can use the password: editmode Thanks!!
  10. After talking with Spectrum, they said they were opening a ticket to explore this further, said they would call me back and then never got in touch with me again. It's an ongoing issue unfortunately. The bummer is that even if Spectrum resolved this, there are other people having the same issue with Cox internet. There must be something with the site that is triggering it to be flagged in a few places, but I have no idea what it could be 😞
  11. I'm having the same issue with one of my client's sites and have been going around and around trying to figure out the root of it. It's maddening! The SSL and domain all look good and I can see the website fine on my end. The analytics show that a ton of people are still easily accessing the site. We eventually figured out that it was blacklisted on McAfee Antivirus so I submitted a request to unblock and they did right away. My client's customers kept sending her messages asking why the site was down even after that was done. The domain is hosted on zenbusiness.com. During the launch, someone on the ZenBusiness side had to update the DNS settings since they don't allow outside editing. It turns out they had only added 1 of the A records so 3 were missing. I got excited that this was the root of the problem, but even after they added the missing A records, her customers continued to inform her that the site wasn't accessible. Then last week I actually changed my home internet from AT&T to Spectrum and all of a sudden I couldn't see the website. I was finally able to replicate the issue on my end. My husband checked on his office computer which uses Spectrum and he also couldn't access the site. Since we have both internet options at my home while we make the transition, I switched back over to my AT&T internet and could see the site fine. You can look up if a site is blocked and request an unblock here: https://www.spectrum.net/support/forms/verify_url_security I submitted a request and just received this back: "We have reviewed and denied your request to unblock thefrench-farmhouse.com. We found this website to contain potentially harmful content. If you still want to visit this website, you can temporarily disable Spectrum Shield through My Spectrum App, although this action is not recommended." What do I do now? How do I find out what is potentially harmful? I've never dealt with this before 😞
  12. @tuanphan yes! it's: https://www.sparrow-health.com/new-home (pw: editmode)
  13. Any updates on this? I'd also love to change the corner radius of certain elements on mobile. It looks great on desktop, but on mobile I'd love to only round the top of the image and bottom of the white block. Here's what I've tried for the top image that isn't working: @media only screen and (max-width:767px) { #block-b389baa750cd46e5fdc6 { border-radius: 30px 30px 0px 0px; } } Any ideas would be appreciated!
  14. @tuanphan that worked! Thank you so much!
  15. If you're on 7.1, you don't need to use CSS for this. Just go to Edit Site Header > Click Style > Solid > and adjust Opacity right below it. It took me forever to figure this out hah. Hopefully this helps!
  16. Site URL: https://www.stickelsservice.com/about Hey there! I'm having trouble finding a solution to the way my client's About page displays on mobile. They specifically wanted the founders on top (centered) followed by 3 rows of staff. Since they wanted it set up this way, I reworked it from a gallery section to a blank section with 4 gallery blocks and added this CSS to center it: /* Center headshots */ body#collection-62265dff26fd182434bb01e6 .sqs-gallery-block-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid { display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the headshots to stack on mobile into one column. See attachment for how it's displaying now. I was able to successfully stack the gallery section from the Services page: https://www.stickelsservice.com/services but not having any luck with the About page. Any ideas?
  17. I have struggled with this too, but found a workaround that seems to do a good job. One of my clients also had a "Get a Quote" form and wanted their names in the subject line. It's not ideal, but you can keep the "Subject" section and then use placeholder text inside the box that says "First and Last Name". This forces their name into the subject line and keeps their email nice and organized. I was nervous people wouldn't understand, but he gets multiple forms filled out per day and everybody fills it out correctly. I think it's important to use "First and Last Name" INSIDE the box rather than as a description above. Hope this helps!
  18. While I never had any luck getting help from Squarespace or PayPal, I figured out a solution! The PayPal account that you're syncing to needs to be linked to a credit card or debit card and if there isn't one linked, it likely won't prompt you to fill in that information. When I went in and manually set up the card in PayPal and then went back to reconnect, it finally worked! I'm surprised how difficult it was to figure out this simple step, but I've been able to successfully sync 3 clients to their PayPal with this method. Hope this helps!
  19. No luck there either. PayPal told me over support to try to logout and log back in or try again in 24 hours. The problem is I've tried for the past few days on different computers and different browsers and nothing will work.
  20. Having the same exact problem and Squarespace wasn't able to help 😞 She said there may be an issue on the PayPal side so I just started a chat with them. I'll let you know if I find anything out.
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