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  1. Hi, I've posted the link above - https://www.alignedbodyandstars.com/home Will you be able to help? Thanks!
  2. Sure, I've shared it in the original form already but here it is again. Thanks! https://www.alignedbodyandstars.com/home
  3. Hi, I'm trying to adjust the height of the section using a slanted shape. I've used the following css and happy with what it looks like now, but want to decrease the height so it's more narrow (approx. 2 rows). Can anyone help, please? Thank you! section[data-section-id="669917ed798c482878a6814a"] { .content-wrapper { padding-right: 0!important; padding-left: 0!important; margin-top: 0!important; transform: rotate(7deg) scale(1.09); } .sqs-row { margin: 0!important; } .sqs-block { padding: 0!important; } }
  4. Of course!! 😂 I completely forgot about going to Site Styles from Design as I usually go in straight from the page editor when I need to edit something. Thanks for the reminder! 🙏
  5. Hi Paul, Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm afraid there's no "Edit" option to access the Site Styles when I'm on the search results page to check the theme - as you can see from the screen shot... However, your information about the search results page using Lightest 1 theme helped me to point in the right direction. So although I couldn't access the Site Styles from the search results page, I've updated the navigation links colour in the Lightest 1 theme and it worked! Thanks so much for your help again! Michaela
  6. Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to change the colour of the navigation links with css on search results page as there's nowhere to change the theme colour in site styles. Can anyone help? Thank you!
  7. Thanks so much for your prompt reply and help @tuanphan @paul2009 @creedon The solutions you suggested editing the $ currency worked perfectly fine!
  8. Thanks so much, that worked! Also, removing the decimal as suggested above still worked fine! x
  9. Perfect, this worked! Thanks so much for pointing me in this direction!
  10. Hi, I was wondering if there's any way how to change the currency format on 7.1 website from US$197.00 to $197? I've tried various css codes I found in the forum but didn't work for me. Thanks!
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