Helo, i'm new to squarespace commerce and API, but i must say documentation is seriously lacking.
We have software downloads (that are hosted on our server) - there is no option to supply custom download url (so we don't need to upload files every time there is new version of software release), therefore i set product type to service instead.
i made test order, and want to do fullfilment trough API, but there is no documentation, only example is physical shipping with UPS ... which doesn't make sense for service.
when i try to call
POST https://api.squarespace.com/1.0/commerce/orders/{orderid}/fulfillments
i get 404 response, tried with shipments specified (from sample), with shipments empty, without shipments
i can get order details when calling
GET https://api.squarespace.com/1.0/commerce/orders/{orderid}
so order exists.
i have no idea, how to clear order trough API, since there is no proper documentation or relevant examples, therefore if anyone knows, how this is done, any advice is welcome.