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  1. Its working now, probably a user error! Thanks @HoaLT appreciate your help!
  2. I have removed Will Myers code and used tried yours within the PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION which didnt work. I then tried using the site wide header, no luck. I then tried using the site wide footer, no luck. What's strange is when I remove your code and replace it with Will Myers code, it is not working for the 1st testimonial now. I suspected the page might be broken so I duplicated the page and tested the different scenarios again but no luck. I then created a new blank page (to rule out an issue with my page content) and added 2 testimonials and tried your code again but it still fails to load.
  3. Thanks for the help but its not working for me. Somehow now the existing code from Will-Myers is not working for the 1st auto-scroll. Perhaps I have done something wrong. I've tested your code by page header injection and also the global site footer. Any ideas?
  4. It's still not finished but the sliders are done. One has images, the other is testimonials (text only). https://www.lifestylefitnessformula.com/home-3
  5. Hi, I'm looking for some help with code which can auto-scroll my 2 testimonial sliders on a single webpage. I found the below code but it only seems to auto-scroll the 1st slider, I would like both please <!-- Auto Scroll Layout Sections from Will-Myers.com --> <script> (function(){ let playInBackend = true, timing = 3, direction = 1; //1 = forwards, 0 = backwards /* Do not Adjust below this line */ function AutoScrollLayout(e) { e = e ? document.querySelector(e) : document.querySelector(".user-items-list-section"); let t, n, o, i, c, r = false, s = e.querySelectorAll('button[class*="__arrow-button"]'); function d() { t = setInterval(u, n); } function u() { o = document.querySelector("body.sqs-edit-mode-active"); i = document.querySelector(".sqs-modal-lightbox-open"); if (!r && !o && !i && c && s[direction]) { s[direction].click(); } } n = 1000 * timing; if (document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() { r = !!document.hidden; }), ["mousedown", "touchstart"].forEach(t => { e.addEventListener(t, function() { r = true; }); }), ["mouseup", "touchend"].forEach(n => { e.addEventListener(n, function() { r = false; clearInterval(t); d(); }); }), window.IntersectionObserver) { new IntersectionObserver((e, t) => { e.forEach(e => { c = !!e.isIntersecting; }); }, { rootMargin: "-75px 0px -75px 0px" }).observe(e); } if (s[direction]) d(); } window.addEventListener("load", function() { let sections = document.querySelectorAll(".user-items-list-section"); sections.forEach(section => { if (window.top == window.self || (window.top !== window.self && playInBackend)) { new AutoScrollLayout(section); } }); }); }()); </script>
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