I am trying to add Spot On Reserve booking widget to this site.
When I place the code they gave me it automatically puts it in an iframe container, but I am stuck on how to get rid of the container. Attached is what it should look like according to their website and what it ends up looking like. What am I missing? I tried doing the simple dragging of the box to make it look how I want and it doesn't change anything.
This is the code: I obviously changed the id to match what ours is.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://sdk.seatninja.com/web/sn2.js" data-restaurant-id="YOUR_RESTAURANT_ID" data-api-key="uhLepeVA9t9DYJNeVocpJ6t3CvtI9OcPx0YD8lo0" data-widget-type="multiple-activities" data-activity="true"></script>