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    RickHyde got a reaction from Beyondspace in Product Image - Adding image swap on rollover   
    That's brilliant Tuanphan, thank you very much 🙂
  2. Like
    RickHyde got a reaction from Ziggy in Different widths on product images   
    Okay, no worries.

    How much would I be looking at to hire you for that?
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    RickHyde got a reaction from Ziggy in Resizing product images - Avenue template   
    Ziggy, you absolute legend.

    You've only gone and nailed it first try!

    Respect buddy 🤜💥🤛

    Thanks so much.
  4. Like
    RickHyde reacted to tuanphan in Product Image - Adding image swap on rollover   
    Only some templates support this hover feature. With other templates, you will need to set code manually on each product.
    You can use this code for first 3 products, repeat similar for other products
    a#thumb-kobbie-mainoo-manchester-united-fa-cup-winners-2024-poster:hover img { content: url(https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/10/16/07/29/the-eiffel-tower-1744574_1280.jpg); } a#thumb-daisy:hover img { content: url(https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2024/07/13/07/40/cars-8891625_1280.jpg); } a#thumb-war-on-robots:hover img { content: url(https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/08/26/15/31/girl-908614_1280.jpg); }  
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    RickHyde reacted to tuanphan in Centrally aligning thumbnails under Product Image   
    Use this to Website Tools > Custom CSS
    div#productThumbnails { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
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    RickHyde reacted to Ziggy in Resizing product images - Avenue template   
    Try adding this in Custom CSS and refreshing the page:
    // product grid images 2:3 ratio .product-item-size-11-square #productList .product .product-image .intrinsic, .product-item-size-11-square #productList .product .product-quick-view-button-hover-zone { padding-bottom: 150%; }  
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    RickHyde got a reaction from Beyondspace in Using both lightboxes and clickthrough URLs within the same grid gallery   
    Thanks guys. Appreciate the help 😁
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    RickHyde got a reaction from Beyondspace in Using both lightboxes and clickthrough URLs within the same grid gallery   
    I'm using a grid gallery to display thumbnail images of my work.

    I would like some of these images to link to separate project pages.

    I would like other images to just open in a lightbox, because they aren't part of a larger project.

    I notice when you select "Lightbox" it overrides any Clickthrough URLs.

    Is there a work around that allows you to alternate between lightboxes and clickthrough URLs within the same grid gallery?

    I'm currently using the Avenue template.
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