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  1. Hey everyone I was able to solve this issue! Here's how I did it: 1. From the iCloud+ panel: Add your website WITHOUT www. In my case, I had www.timrodz.dev, and changed it to timrodz.dev 2. From the iCloud prompt you get after adding your site, add the records to your Squarespace domain. Here's how mine look: 3. Wait for propagation to finish by using the `dig [website.com] [record-name]` command I wrote about in my previous comment. In my case: dig timrodz.dev MX dig sig1._domainkey.timrodz.dev CNAME If you get an ANSWER SECTION in both, verify the values match your Squarespace Domain's values, and you should be set. 4. Check again inside your iCloud setup, and hopefully you're sorted! From this point, if all is good, all you have to do is add the email domains on the iCloud website. Good luck!
  2. Squarespace already sets the end punctuation for the MX records. If you run the following command (dig) in a terminal, you'll be able to see your records: dig [example.com] MX ;; ANSWER SECTION: example.com. 14400 IN MX 10 mx01.mail.icloud.com. example.com. 14400 IN MX 10 mx02.mail.icloud.com. Just replace [example.com] for your domain. In my case: dig timrodz.dev MX The same can be done for any other records regarding your website. I've checked all of my records and they're properly set (the dig command has helped me confirm this), but iCloud is still saying I need to check my DKIM record. I'm now going to try the following: Host: sig1._domainkey Type: TXT Data: v=DKIM sig1.dkim.timrodz.dev.at.icloudmailadmin.com. Will report back shortly.
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