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Everything posted by amuzz

  1. @Ziggy Thanks so much for your help and patience with all of this. I really, really appreciate you. All best! -Allegra
  2. @Ziggy Thank you! Those snippets worked so great! I appreciate it 🙂 The last thing I would love to do: Remove the ultra-thin blue borders around my project images. Click Portfolio, click a project and you'll see the project images (screenshot) I'm referring to... I also noticed that these Gallery block images look as if they have some sort of an overlay (same blue color) that briefly flashes whenever you click an image and it opens up in Lightbox mode. Can you please LMK if you can find a solution? Thank you again!!!!
  3. @Ziggy That would be great! 🙂 Thank you SO much! Also, the code you provided re: the borders worked on my portfolio page proper—which looks so much better, thanks. But when I click on a project, the project's images still have those blue borders (screenshot). I'm thinking this is bc the images on this page aren't thumbnails? IDK! Thanks again
  4. Thank you very much for your responses. The first two snippets worked, which is so great! I've looked and looked, but I can't find any instance of text similar to what's quoted above within my current CSS. I forget if I mentioned this earlier, but there's also the issue of readability (see screenshot). I'm wondering if the solution to this could be making one or both of the following changes? Of course, this is also outside of my expertise. 1. Increasing the opacity of the white hover overlay background or 2. Making the font larger
  5. @Ziggy @HoaLT Eager to hear whether there are fixes for this. Or were you just telling me to list my site name? Here is is again: https://acminteriors.com Thanks for any and all help from you two, or from anyone else in the forum. 🙂
  6. Oh, I was under the assumption you could see my web addy bc it's required to post here. It's https://acminteriors.com Thank you!
  7. @HoaLT It's a public site. Thanks. LMK exactly what you'd like me to do?
  8. Hello! Issue One: I'm seeing a very thin blue border around images on my portfolio page, and this border also surrounds the images when I click through to see an individual project. The portfolio is a summary block, I think. (Is this problematic?) And the project page features a gallery block. I want to completely remove this blue border from all images, site-wide, to things easier. (Or is this "border" called an overlay or something else? IDK) Issue Two: I'd like to embolden the hover text font (project title) and/or increase its size a bit. Issue Three: I'd like to decrease the white space between the navigation/menu bar and a project's title, increase the font size of the header and add a bit more padding between the image gallery and the project title. I've watched tutorials and I still can't figure out how to edit any of these things. Would love some great advice. TIA! 🙂
  9. @Lesum I would LOVE this stuff to be done! Do you need access to the site? Can you also handle migrations to 7.1? Let's talk more?
  10. Hi, Paul. Thank you! I think that what you've created could work really well for me, and it looks great. How would I obtain the css for it? And in terms of updating to 7.1, I'd probably want to hire someone do to this, the right way, for me. (I don't trust myself lol) Just wanted to make that one aesthetic change my blog page ATM.
  11. OK thank you. Looking fwd to Paul's response, too. In the meantime, would you kindly elaborate on the following in terms of a how-to? Thanks again!
  12. I successfully created a text box with hyperlinked text. But I just read that background colors are unsupported in 7.0 😕 (see screenshot) So I guess I'm out of luck? Now that I know I can't edit the background color (see attached screenshot) can I have a bit more info on what it would take to create a featured blog post that looks like the one below? I'd settle for this, too, as I think it looks good. And this is a Squarespace site so I'm hoping I can do this?? Thank you! Again, I'd like to create a read-more button (instead of a link) within my text box, much the same as this person wanted to do. (Topic was closed in the forum without a solution.)
  13. This looks beautiful. Thank you! Are you editing in 7.1? I am unable to edit the text box in this way. There aren't color options within my on-page editor.
  14. Thank you I will try this! Still looking for ideas on the featured image that looks like the one above. Thanks everybody for your input! 🙂
  15. Also, text boxes don't allow for colorized backgrounds, do they?
  16. Yes, thank you. I added a featured blog post section, and I know about links. But I'm looking for ideas on how to make my blog page look as much like the one on the Asteria site as possible? As pictured, the featured post has a right-hand white box (or some other color) with text and a Read More button underneath. Also, how exactly can I create that Categories bar? Is this not possible in Squarespace? Thank you.
  17. Hi there, I'd like my blog page to look exactly like this: https://asteriastudio.com/blog/ But I'm unsure what it takes. Do I need code, or is this just a series of different types of blocks? I think I understand the concept of blog categories and I've created an unlinked Blog Post Archive page already, but I just want to know what's involved in getting my page to look like this, with the most recent post featured really beautifully, front-and-center, and all past blog posts forming a grid underneath it. I also really love the Categories strip across the screen with clickable icons (see screenshot). Is this something that needs coding? Any and all insights are very appreciated! 🙂
  18. Holy cow. That worked. THANK YOU for your help, time and patience.
  19. OMG my Home Page is totally screwed now!
  20. Yes, but it won't let me save without it. Is this weird?? See red text in below screenshot:
  21. Thanks! The second issue isn't fixed by doing that.
  22. Thank you. Shall I add these snippets to the end of the entire CSS custom code area?
  23. https://acminteriors.com Thx There's also this issue...
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