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Everything posted by Lnoon18

  1. Thanks so much @HoaLT 😄
  2. Thanks for that! @HoaLT It's worked on my end. However the main issue was to do with the text color thats too illegible and wasn't changing. I added a line and the color has now changed, although the submit button is not right now. See attached. Other than fixing the button again, it looks great!
  3. @HoaLT thank you! Its the enquire form n the page below: https://www.ateliereventsco.com.au/contact
  4. Omg I completely missed that! Thanks so much 😅 @LoftyDevsbyWidleStudioLLP
  5. Hi! My client website has a form accessed through a button. The form is picking up the theme colors however these colours won't update when edited in the theme. As you can see in the attached, its not legible. The button should also not be white - it should have an underline and not have a bg colour, but editing in the theme again doesn't work. I also have added custom fonts to the website which is not carrying through to the form. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi there, I have an issue with a client website where the mobile nav menu that opens from a hamburger menu has no color background. The website link is here: https://www.ateliereventsco.com.au/ The code I have tried out to fix the issue is below, however nothing happened. .sqs-mobile-nav-open a .icon-hamburger { color: #F4F1EA; !important; } Thanks in advance for any help!
  7. Thanks so much @LoftyDevsbyWidleStudioLLP! I have another question for a different site in the nav mobile menu too: For some reason the nav background colour is transparent. It should be #A2A172. Could you help with this?
  8. Hi! My custom fonts implemented with CSS are not converting in the mobile view of the menu on my website. Website is not published yet FYI. See attached: Current code I have is: //CUSTOM NAVIGATION FONT// .header-nav-item { font-family: 'AvenirPro45Book' !important; font-size:16px; letter-spacing:3px; text-transform: uppercase } .header-nav-list { font-family: 'AvenirPro45Book' !important; font-size:16px; letter-spacing:3px; text-transform: uppercase }
  9. @sorca_marian yes sorry it is. It's on an unpublished page I'm currently working on to replace to current live site landing page
  10. Thank you @sorca_marian! I just noticed something (so sorry to bother you again!) The field has a blue border around it? Its faint but its obvious on a bright screen
  11. sorry @sorca_marian I added a couple of lines to alter the text styling to make it uppercase + added text spacing. The text spacing has applied however the uppercase hasn't. Would you know why?: input[name="email"] { background : transparent!important; color : rgb(237, 191, 42); text-align : center; } input[name="email"]::placeholder { color : rgb(237, 191, 42)!important; text-align : center; font-style: uppercase; letter-spacing:3px; } input[name="email"] { border-bottom : 1px solid rgb(237, 191, 42)!important; }
  12. I currently have the code for a WIX website for my navigation styling, however in Squarespace I would love to use this for navigation and the buttons across the site. I would like the final look of the buttons to have an underline when static/inactive, but on hover for the underline to have a transition animation to a thicker line or different colour even? Whatever is more accessible for css. Is there an adjustment to this code that can make this happen?: /* Change the color, thickness, and width of underline on hover for navigation menu links */ nav a:hover { text-decoration: none; position: relative; } nav a:hover::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -2px; /* Adjust the position as needed */ height: 2px; /* Thickness of the underline */ width: 100%; background-color: #d9369e; /* Color of the underline */ transform: scaleX(1); transition: transform 0.3s ease; transform-origin: left; } nav a::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: -2px; /* Adjust the position as needed */ height: 2px; /* Thickness of the underline */ width: 100%; background-color: transparent; transform: scaleX(0); transition: transform 0.3s ease; transform-origin: left; }
  13. @sorca_marian I can't see those options for the newsletter form? see attached. https://thechristmasportal.com.au/ is the site - you can see the newsletter sign up at the bottom
  14. Hey @sorca_marian, no I don't know how to do that! Do you have any updated code? the one I have is actually so long it would take forever to inspect all of it
  15. I have been trying to update my newsletter block styling on the website however the code I have is either outdated or not working - although I have used it on another SS site before. I want to make the input cells/blocks an underline design as per the example attached.Any help would be appreciated!
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