I've tried copy/pasting a few pieces of custom code into my page and updating the cursor urls, but none of them will work. At best I get a flickering cursor that flickers between the custom cursor and the system default. I'm wondering if the CSS im using is from before 7.1. Ive tried both 30x30px png and 22x22px png.
Either way, would love to get this fixed, using the personal plan if possible (so I dont think I can use javascript)
/* Custom cursor for body */
margin: 1 !important;
height:10vh !important;
url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64dd43868b01661b82e0063c/t/668ca348a54f9335967cd2ad/1720492872949/mouse.png), auto
/* Different Cursor on hover */
url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64dd43868b01661b82e0063c/t/668ca34865b02c4b7f2d444b/1720492872959/hand.png), auto