Curtis Parker McCarthy Association of America
My website is there and Imgur: The magic of the Internet shows my editing menu.
I want the image to be moved to the left, and I want to insert a dropdown menu with three dashes on the right of it to easily be able to scroll through my content menus.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I updated the imgur pics to show how I want my finished website to look. The right side has short updates that might end in a timestamp like
Wrote the website
looks good 5:22 PM March 3rd
Looks good, good website!
-Comment from Anonymous, Same day, March 3rd 1300 EST (Nebraska) (ip)
and the top has my logo image, which I want clickable so you can be brought back to the main screen, and on the right as described in the image I made in Paint, I want the typical drop-down menu.
In the drop-down menu will be text like Welcome Page
So you can click on them and navigate the website easier that way.
How do I do this?
I'm newish to Squarespace and don't know how to code.