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Status Updates posted by creedon

  1. Don't Be That Guy

    For those of us that try to help folks on a regular basis please make it as easy as possible for us to help you.

    Please don't post the same exact question to multiple threads. This is known as overposting which an internet etiquette faux paux.

    It's a selfish way to try and get an answer to your question. There are likely only a few ways your question can be answered. What happens is your responders probably will not seen all your posts so you potentially have multiple skilled responders dancing on your string which is a huge waste of time and can be confusing.

    When I see overposting like this I report it to Squarespace.

    If you think that your issue, for some reason, is worth posting in multiple threads, create a "master" thread which you then point to from the other threads. Point out that you prefer answers in the "master" thread.

  2. Don't Be That Guy

    For those of us that try to help folks on a regular basis please make it as easy as possible for us to help you.

    Please don't ask us for help and when we ask to see your site say you can't show us the site and then have the gall to say it should be easy I'm only asking for x, y, and z.

    That is like demanding that your auto mechanic fix your car without bringing your car in to the shop. Come on! Really? Yes we may know the make and the model but we have no idea what customizations have been made.

    Us helpers need to see what we are working with to be the most effective at providing solutions.

    OK. I get there are NDA restrictions sometimes. But asking for solutions in this scenario is unrealistic especially when asking for help. I normally just pass these requests by.

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