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Everything posted by Protoregimoto

  1. Hi, I'm making some final tweaks to my site and have been getting some help from @tuanphan who I know is very busy this week so asking for assistance here. I have a few pages where I need to customize with code and haven't been able to get anything to work. Have tried using page id's and CSS, as well as page injection header code with no luck yet. https://www.regijacob.com/work https://www.regijacob.com/origins https://www.regijacob.com/snaps For these 3 pages, I am trying to use an alternate logo and have the site title font color in black. Additionally the secondary navigation button [Contact] needs to be the inverse of how it looks on the homepage. (Black outline, black overlay and hover text color #e15509) Sorry for the multiple requests, thanks.
  2. Hi, I've been searching the forums for a solve and I think this thread approaches what I'm looking for, but not quite sure where to take it from here. Using a Brine template I have an index page with a banner image that is full bleed and sits behind the nav. I have individual blog posts that I want to emulate this same look and feel, but the template doesn't support this. So I'm currently just uploading an image to the blog and placing text above it for now (attached). My plan is to create a unique asset for each individual blog post and ideally they would mimic the full bleed style and positioning of the index page. Is there a way to do this? index page: https://www.regijacob.com/ blog post: https://www.regijacob.com/work/skylanders test image url:
  3. I have a related issue regarding title font sizes on mobile for blog overview pages: https://www.regijacob.com/work https://www.regijacob.com/origins For mobile I was able to adjust the meta tags with code, but I can't figure out how to reduce the font size of the titles. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Hi, I was able to use some of the code in this thread to resize my banner for mobile, but after much trial and error with viewport height, I still can't quite get the full image to display properly. Still cropping more than I'd like. Also, now when viewing the home page on mobile there is quite a bit of extra padding on mobile in between the index banner and the next section down. Thanks in advance! www.regijacob.com
  5. Hi, I'm having a similar problem to the above. Am using a vertical line in my design and it's horrible on mobile. Also, I can't get my section headers to stack properly. You'll notice the "what I did" header should be above the bullets, not the body copy. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks! https://www.regijacob.com/work/tapster
  6. Yes exactly. If you notice the logo I use in the footer, it's the reverse to be used for black backgrounds. That's the one I want for the homepage header only, but it's not as simple as inverting the colors. I have a separate file for each with adjusted textures. Thanks for your help! www.regijacob.com PW: Takoma
  7. Hi, I'm trying to use an alternate logo on my homepage (Miller template, Brine family) and have tried everything I can find on here with no luck. Can anyone help me out?
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