Thanks for the reply! 🙂
Unfortunately that hasn't fixed it; it's working on my desktop but isn't showing on another device. Seems to show up on a windows desktop, iPhone and iPad, but isn't showing up on an older windows laptop?
I've attached another picture to show what I mean, I'll also post all of the code I'm using in case that helps. I added some more selectors for the navigation menu but that didn't work, I don't think I need all of them:
/* Navigation Bar Edits */
@font-face { font-family: 'Watermelon'; src: url(''); }
h1 { font-family: 'Watermelon'; }
.header-nav-list, .header-menu-nav-item a, .header-nav-item > a, header-nav-item, .header-nav-item--folder {
font-family: 'Watermelon' !important;
div.header-nav-item--active>a {
color: #F25130 !important;
div.header-nav-item--active>a:hover {
color: #FFBE9F !important;
.header-nav a:hover{
color:#B6ADA5 !important;
.header-nav-item a, {
background-image: none !important;
.header .icon svg {fill: white !important}
.header .icon:hover svg {fill: white !important}
.tweak-global-animations-animation-type-flex .header-nav-item:not(.header-nav-item--folder) a::after, .tweak-global-animations-animation-type-flex .header-nav-folder-item a::after {
display: none !important;
/* Gallery Spacing Edits */
.gallery-reel-item img {
.gallery-masonry, .gallery-strips, .gallery-grid, .gallery-reel {
padding-top: 2vw !important;
padding-bottom: 5vw !important
#page section:first-child {
.gallery-masonry, .gallery-strips, .gallery-grid, .gallery-reel {
padding-top: 0vw !important
#page section:last-child {
.gallery-masonry, .gallery-strips, .gallery-grid, .gallery-reel {
padding-bottom: 10vw !important
@media screen and (max-width:767px) {
.gallery-reel {
height: 50vh !important;
/* Masonry one item on mobile (illustrations) */
@media screen and (max-width:767px) {
.gallery-masonry-item-wrapper {
height: auto !important;
margin-bottom: 30px !important;
} {
position: relative !important;
width: 100% !important;
transform: unset !important;
.gallery-masonry-item-wrapper {
height: auto !important;
.gallery-masonry .gallery-masonry-item[data-loaded] img {
width: 100% !important;
.gallery-masonry {
padding-left: 0 !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;