Hi there ,
I'm looking to remove this custom widget , a hovering book now button, that is injected into the footer css from just one page on the entire site.
This is the page I want it to not appear on! From some other forums I feel like I got close to the solution but I can't figure out the naming to use for my widget. Here's the code I have that puts it into the whole site and the code I was trying to use to remove it.
<script src="https://static.elfsight.com/platform/platform.js" data-use-service-core defer></script>
<div class="elfsight-app-8a761867-3db2-4d0d-bdbb-2dd92189a171" data-elfsight-app-lazy></div>
#collection-60f9c7612b8ce47143da15e6 {
display: none;
Thanks in advance !