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Everything posted by jjohansson

  1. Hi @Beyondspace I need to fix this, I mean the Text that loads automatically in all pages... and the overlay opacity effect... Is it possible to hide that effect (with the trans lucid opacity effect too) in a single page not affecting to the whole site? Any idea?
  2. @TuanI have two Blog pages do you think I could leave one with the default DEUSTCH languague and just apply this code to the ENGLISH page?
  3. Hello! I would like to achieve a simple effect when hovering a image, please see the desired effect with the overlay white lines and text details... Does somebody know how this could be achieved?
  4. That worked perfectly Tuan, thanks a lot! I only need now the fix for the Months... any idea?
  5. @tuanphan any suggestions by your side? I´ve sent you a private message regarding the same post and a old post of other user.
  6. Thank you very much @Beyondspace do you think that customization would take lot of time to find out how it works? Maybe adding this code to all the posts in the Blog Deustch somehow could help?
  7. Yes I need to do exactly that. Update the text in a duplicated Blog page where im translating all the content but that's the part I can´t. https://www.zeitgarten.ch/news this is the Page (duplicated of Aktuell) wich I want to apply that English texts. Any help will be much appreciated @Beyondspace
  8. Hi @tuanphan Any idea about how to update the text of the Month and Days with CSS in a specific page using Calendar? Please see attached image as it comes from a Deustch website wich I need to duplicate to English. https://www.zeitgarten.ch/aktuell https://www.zeitgarten.ch/news Wait for your news, thanks!
  9. Hi @creedon I was looking for this CSS and it just worked fine. I have one pending question regarding the "Read More" link in Blog. How could I replace that text?
  10. Hello everybody! @Lesum I have a Blog in Deustch languague (it's the main languague of the site) and a duplicated version of the Blog for English (not yet translated the content) I wonder how could I set the button "Weiterlesen" to "Read more" please see below the exact line of source code: </div> <a class="blog-more-link" href="/blog-en/2023/10/20/ze-2" data-animation-role="content">Weiterlesen</a> </div> Is there a way of adding some CSS in the specific page or post pages of the English Blog to change it to display the Read More text instead? I wonder the same for the bottom links to "Newer entries" and "Older entries" (Neuere Einträge and Ältere Einträge) see the code of this part: <nav class="blog-list-pagination"> <div class="newer"> <a href="/blog-en?offset=1280127600000&amp;reversePaginate=true" rel="prev"> <div class="blog-list-pagination-icon icon icon--stroke"> <svg class="caret-left-icon--small" viewBox="0 0 9 16"> <polyline fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="7.3,14.7 2.5,8 7.3,1.2 "></polyline> </svg> </div> <span class="prev-label">Neuere Einträge</span> </a> </div> <div class="older"> <a href="/blog-en?offset=1169802000000" rel="next"> <span class="next-label">Ältere Einträge</span> <div class="blog-list-pagination-icon icon icon--stroke"> <svg class="caret-right-icon--small" viewBox="0 0 9 16"> <polyline fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="1.6,1.2 6.5,7.9 1.6,14.7 "></polyline> </svg> </div> </a> </div> </nav>
  11. Hi I have a cover page with some slides, it takes the alt/title of each slide and I just need to align the text to be in the right bottom of the image (now it goes to the full width of the screen, see attached image) Do you have any idea or tip about how to make it work adapting to each image slide width? https://cristobal-roig-test.squarespace.com Password:2024 I could add you as admin if necessary.
  12. Hello @Lesum Do you think there is a way of aligning the text with the same width of each image slide? Notice the attached screenshot with the desired position... https://cristobal-roig-test.squarespace.com Password: 2024
  13. Hi guys! I have this need at this moment and I wonder how this ended, is there any link I could check to both Blog pages? Thanks!
  14. @Lesum do you have any suggestion to have the text aligned with the width of each slide and not with the browser window total width?
  15. I never had a Blog need like this, by default is Deustch languague, but we would like to have the same content in English... The key is when we publish something new to be available in both versions. Do you have some suggestion with the Google Translate?
  16. Hi! I would like to know if somebody knows how to have the main Blog working (DE) but another version in other languague (EN) I could translate the text contents but what I want is to keep the structure or links...
  17. Hello @Lesum Password: 2024 https://coyote-rabbit-z9st.squarespace.com Is the Home page so you will see a simple slideshow (Cover page) I just want to add text in the bottom right of the image... Please let me know if you need I make you admin.
  18. Hello everyone! I need to add a simple text with each slide in a Cover Page (Squarespace 7.0) Does somebody know how to make it work by CSS? Any thoughts?
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