I am creating a package in acuity to sign up for a 3 part course. When you sign up for the package, you can redeem it to attend part 1, part 2, and part 3 of the course.
When the confirmation email for the package is sent, there is a certificate code, and a link:
If you click the link, it takes to a scheduling page with a list of classes, and enters and confirms your certificate code so that the list price of the classes is reduced to $0. This is exactly what I want!
The problem is, the schedule link in the email is small and hidden, so I want there to be a larger, clear link up top. (Preferably a button, but making a button is proving wonky). I would like this link to lead to the same place as the scheduling link, with the certificate code already input. The "schedule" URL does this automatically:
The question is, is there a way to have this URL with the certificate already input also be used in the link or reserve button at the top of the email?