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Everything posted by jasipai

  1. Hi mate, neither worked for me. Tried copy and pasting that text into code injection under header, nothing is showing up. I also tried deleting the 2 lines of code you mentioned, nothing. In the meantime I've reverted everything. Here is the full code: #collection-6579070e40a8986ae3136f06 .nested-category-title::before { content:"Jackson’s the brand was founded out of the well known gin distiller Burleighs from Leicester and uses only the finest original unique distinctive ingredients. Collaborations have included Leicester City FC and Tigers Rugby Club"; text-align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); font-size: 20px; font-style: italic; font-weight: 300; } .accordion-item__title{color: #E2A94C} /* nav items color */ } /* begin payment processor icons License : < https://bit.ly/3F8sn8W > Version : 0.3.0 SS Versions : 7.1, 7.0 v7.1 Fluid Engine Compatible : Yes Dependencies : LESS By : Thomas Creedon < http://www.tomsWeb.consulting/ > */ // justify-content values see < https://mzl.la/32Lkas4 > @justify-content : center; @max-height-width : 75px; @spacing : 20px; // display order #display-order ( ) { #afterpay ( ) { #badge ( ) { #black-on-bondi-mint ( ) { // index 1 display : unset; @order : 0; } #bondi-mint-on-black ( ) { // index 2 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white-on-black ( ) { // index 3 display : unset; @order : 0; } #black-on-white ( ) { // index 4 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // badge #lockup ( ) { #black ( ) { // index 5 display : unset; @order : 0; } #mint ( ) { // index 6 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white ( ) { // index 7 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // lockup } // afterpay #american-express ( ) { #logo ( ) { #blue-bright ( ) { // index 8 display : unset; @order : 0; } #blue-dark ( ) { // index 9 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-bright ( ) { // index 10 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-dark ( ) { // index 11 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // end logo #logotype ( ) { #one-line { #blue-bright ( ) { // index 12 display : unset; @order : 0; } #blue-dark ( ) { // index 13 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-bright ( ) { // index 14 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-dark ( ) { // index 15 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // one line #two-lines { #blue-bright ( ) { // index 16 display : unset; @order : 0; } #blue-dark ( ) { // index 17 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-bright ( ) { // index 18 display : unset; @order : 0; } #neutral-dark ( ) { // index 19 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // two lines } // end logotype } // end american express #apple-pay ( ) { // index 20 display : unset; @order : 0; } #clearpay ( ) { #badge ( ) { #black-on-bondi-mint ( ) { // index 21 display : unset; @order : 0; } #bondi-mint-on-black ( ) { // index 22 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white-on-black ( ) { // index 23 display : unset; @order : 0; } #black-on-white ( ) { // index 25 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // badge #lockup ( ) { #black ( ) { // index 25 display : unset; @order : 0; } #mint ( ) { // index 26 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white ( ) { // index 27 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // lockup } // clearpay #mastercard ( ) { #symbol ( ) { // index 28 display : unset; @order : 0; } #brand-mark ( ) { #vertical ( ) { #white-light ( ) { // index 29 display : unset; @order : 0; } #black-dark ( ) { // index 30 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // vertical #horizontal ( ) { #white-light ( ) { // index 31 display : unset; @order : 0; } #black-dark ( ) { // index 32 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // horizontal } // end brand mark } // end mastercard #paypal ( ) { // index 33 display : unset; @order : 0; } #stripe { #slate { // index 34 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white { // index 35 display : unset; @order : 0; } #blurple { // index 36 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // end stripe #visa ( ) { #black ( ) { // index 37 display : unset; @order : 0; } #white ( ) { // index 38 display : unset; @order : 0; } #blue ( ) { // index 39 display : unset; @order : 0; } } // end visa } // end display order #twc-payment-processors { /* for diagnostics the background color is set to gray, for production change gray to unset */ background-color : gray; } .twc-pp-icon-index { /* for configuration; index numbers proceed the icons, for production change unset to none */ display : unset; } // do not change anything below, there be the borg here #twc-payment-processors { display : -webkit-box; display : -ms-flexbox; display : flex; -ms-flex-wrap : wrap; flex-wrap : wrap; gap : @spacing; justify-content : @justify-content; margin : @spacing; } .twc-pp-icon { max-height : @max-height-width; max-width : @max-height-width; min-width : 50px; } .twc-pp-icon-index { align-self : center; background-color : white; font-weight : bold; padding : 0em 1em; } // afterpay .afterpay.badge.black-on-bondi-mint.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.badge.bondi-mint-on-black.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.badge.white-on-black.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.badge.black-on-white.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.lockup.black.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.lockup.mint.twc-pp-icon, .afterpay.lockup.white.twc-pp-icon, // clearpay .clearpay.badge.black-on-bondi-mint.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.badge.bondi-mint-on-black.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.badge.white-on-black.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.badge.black-on-white.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.lockup.black.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.lockup.mint.twc-pp-icon, .clearpay.lockup.white.twc-pp-icon { max-width : @max-height-width * 1.66666667; min-width : 75px; // ap and cp allow down to 64px } // begin american express // begin logo // bright blue .american-express.logo.bright-blue { fill : #3a6cbe; } // dark blue .american-express.logo.dark-blue { fill : #1e2a51; } // bright neutral .american-express.logo.bright-neutral { fill : #868e96; } // dark neutral .american-express.logo.dark-neutral { fill : #2e2a2b; } // end logo // begin logotype // begin one line .american-express.logotype.one-line.twc-pp-icon, .american-express.logotype.one-line.twc-pp-icon { max-width : @max-height-width * 1.25; min-width : 175px; } // bright blue .american-express.logotype.one-line.bright-blue { fill : #3a6cbe; } // dark blue .american-express.logotype.one-line.dark-blue { fill : #1e2a51; } // bright neutral .american-express.logotype.one-line.bright-neutral { fill : #868e96; } // dark neutral .american-express.logotype.one-line.dark-neutral { fill : #2e2a2b; } // end one line // begin two lines .american-express.logotype.two-lines.twc-pp-icon, .american-express.logotype.two-lines.twc-pp-icon { max-width : @max-height-width * 1.5; min-width : 100px; } // bright blue .american-express.logotype.two-lines.bright-blue { fill : #3a6cbe; } // dark blue .american-express.logotype.two-lines.dark-blue { fill : #1e2a51; } // bright neutral .american-express.logotype.two-lines.bright-neutral { fill : #868e96; } // dark neutral .american-express.logotype.two-lines.dark-neutral { fill : #2e2a2b; } // end two lines // end american express // mastercard .mastercard.brand-mark.white-light.horizontal.twc-pp-icon, .mastercard.brand-mark.black-dark.horizontal.twc-pp-icon { max-width : @max-height-width * 2.33333333; min-width : 125px; } // paypal .twc-pp-icon#paypal-logo-icon { min-width : 125px; } // begin display/order icons #twc-payment-processors { .order ( @order ) { -webkit-box-ordinal-group : @order + 1; -ms-flex-order : @order; order : @order; } .afterpay { &.badge { &.black-on-bondi-mint { #display-order#afterpay#badge#black-on-bondi-mint; .order ( @order ); } &.bondi-mint-on-black { #display-order#afterpay#badge#bondi-mint-on-black; .order ( @order ); } &.white-on-black { #display-order#afterpay#badge#white-on-black; .order ( @order ); } &.black-on-white { #display-order#afterpay#badge#black-on-white; .order ( @order ); } } // end badge &.lockup { &.black { #display-order#afterpay#lockup#black; .order ( @order ); } &.mint { #display-order#afterpay#lockup#mint; .order ( @order ); } &.white { #display-order#afterpay#lockup#white; .order ( @order ); } } // end lockup } // end afterpay .american-express { &.logo { &.bright-blue { #display-order#american-express#logo#blue-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-blue { #display-order#american-express#logo#blue-dark; .order ( @order ); } &.bright-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logo#neutral-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logo#neutral-dark; .order ( @order ); } } // end logo &.logotype { &.one-line { &.bright-blue { #display-order#american-express#logotype#one-line#blue-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-blue { #display-order#american-express#logotype#one-line#blue-dark; .order ( @order ); } &.bright-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logotype#one-line#neutral-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logotype#one-line#neutral-dark; .order ( @order ); } } // end two lines &.two-lines { &.bright-blue { #display-order#american-express#logotype#two-lines#blue-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-blue { #display-order#american-express#logotype#two-lines#blue-dark; .order ( @order ); } &.bright-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logotype#two-lines#neutral-bright; .order ( @order ); } &.dark-neutral { #display-order#american-express#logotype#two-lines#neutral-dark; .order ( @order ); } } // end two lines } // end logotype } // end american express #apple-pay-mark-icon { #display-order#apple-pay; .order ( @order ); } .clearpay { &.badge { &.black-on-bondi-mint { #display-order#clearpay#badge#black-on-bondi-mint; .order ( @order ); } &.bondi-mint-on-black { #display-order#clearpay#badge#bondi-mint-on-black; .order ( @order ); } &.white-on-black { #display-order#clearpay#badge#white-on-black; .order ( @order ); } &.black-on-white { #display-order#clearpay#badge#black-on-white; .order ( @order ); } } // end badge &.lockup { &.black { #display-order#clearpay#lockup#black; .order ( @order ); } &.mint { #display-order#clearpay#lockup#mint; .order ( @order ); } &.white { #display-order#clearpay#lockup#white; .order ( @order ); } } // end lockup } // end clearpay // begin mastercard #mastercard-symbol-icon { #display-order#mastercard#symbol; .order ( @order ); } .mastercard { &.brand-mark { &.vertical { &.white-light { #display-order#mastercard#brand-mark#vertical#white-light; .order ( @order ); } &.black-dark { #display-order#mastercard#brand-mark#vertical#black-dark; .order ( @order ); } } // end vertical &.horizontal { &.white-light { #display-order#mastercard#brand-mark#horizontal#white-light; .order ( @order ); } &.black-dark { #display-order#mastercard#brand-mark#horizontal#black-dark; .order ( @order ); } } // end horizontal } // end brand mark } // end mastercard #paypal-logo-icon { #display-order#paypal; .order ( @order ); } .stripe-wordmark { &.slate { #display-order#stripe#slate; .order ( @order ); } &.white { #display-order#stripe#white; .order ( @order ); } &.blurple { #display-order#stripe#blurple; .order ( @order ); } } // end stripe .visa { &.black { #display-order#visa#black; .order ( @order ); } &.white { #display-order#visa#white; .order ( @order ); } &.blue { #display-order#visa#blue; .order ( @order ); } } // end visa } // end display/order icons // end payment processor icons // change one nav link color // .header-nav-item:nth-child(2) a { color: #E2A94C !important; } // change one nav link color // .header-nav-item:nth-child(1) a { color: #E2A94C !important; } // change one nav link color // .header-nav-item:nth-child(3) a { color: #E2A94C !important; } .accordion-item {color: black}
  2. Hi guys, still not working. I'm so over deadline with this project and the text won't bloody show up. How do I fix it? How do I fix that error message at the end "Missing opening {" Whoever helps me fix this I'll buy a coffee
  3. Hi mate, really appreciate your help with this. I've pasted the text in but for some reason it's not showing. I see the red error message in the bottom left and I've added a { but it now says syntax error on line 1, still doesn't fix it. Also I'm looking to add a subtitle that says "Background as well".
  4. @Beyondspace I would like to put a title under "Gin & More" and then body text beneath it.
  5. Hi @Beyondspace here is the link - https://chrysalis-cow-lp5d.squarespace.com/store/gin-more I just want to add text as a title in that gold hex code on this one particular page for gin
  6. Hi all, I am trying to add text to this page, with a title saying "Background" in this colour (#E2A94C) with black body text beneath it. However, when I add text to this page is pastes it onto my other store pages. I would like this text to only be on this one page. Does anyone know what CSS would be needed for this?
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