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Posts posted by LeasPhotos

  1. On 4/25/2024 at 12:56 PM, tuanphan said:

    @LeasPhotos Add a Code Block > Then paste all below code to Code Block

    <!-- Explanation in JS tab -->
    <!-- The two texts -->
    <div id="container">
    	<span id="text1"></span>
    	<span id="text2"></span>
    <!-- The SVG filter used to create the merging effect -->
    <svg id="filters">
    		<filter id="threshold">
    			<!-- Basically just a threshold effect - pixels with a high enough opacity are set to full opacity, and all other pixels are set to completely transparent. -->
    			<feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic"
    					values="1 0 0 0 0
    									0 1 0 0 0
    									0 0 1 0 0
    									0 0 0 255 -140" />
      #container {
    	/* Center the text in the viewport. */
    	position: absolute;
    	margin: auto;
    	width: 100vw;
    	height: 80pt;
    	top: 0;
    	bottom: 0;
    	/* This filter is a lot of the magic, try commenting it out to see how the morphing works! */
    	filter: url(#threshold) blur(0.6px);
    /* Your average text styling */
    #text1, #text2 {
    	position: absolute;
    	width: 100%;
    	display: inline-block;
    	font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
    	font-size: 80pt;
    	text-align: center;
    	user-select: none;
    	This pen cleverly utilizes SVG filters to create a "Morphing Text" effect. Essentially, it layers 2 text elements on top of each other, and blurs them depending on which text element should be more visible. Once the blurring is applied, both texts are fed through a threshold filter together, which produces the "gooey" effect. Check the CSS - Comment the #container rule's filter out to see how the blurring works!
    const elts = {
      text1: document.getElementById("text1"),
      text2: document.getElementById("text2") };
    // The strings to morph between. You can change these to anything you want!
    const texts = [
    // Controls the speed of morphing.
    const morphTime = 1;
    const cooldownTime = 0.25;
    let textIndex = texts.length - 1;
    let time = new Date();
    let morph = 0;
    let cooldown = cooldownTime;
    elts.text1.textContent = texts[textIndex % texts.length];
    elts.text2.textContent = texts[(textIndex + 1) % texts.length];
    function doMorph() {
      morph -= cooldown;
      cooldown = 0;
      let fraction = morph / morphTime;
      if (fraction > 1) {
        cooldown = cooldownTime;
        fraction = 1;
    // A lot of the magic happens here, this is what applies the blur filter to the text.
    function setMorph(fraction) {
      // fraction = Math.cos(fraction * Math.PI) / -2 + .5;
      elts.text2.style.filter = `blur(${Math.min(8 / fraction - 8, 100)}px)`;
      elts.text2.style.opacity = `${Math.pow(fraction, 0.4) * 100}%`;
      fraction = 1 - fraction;
      elts.text1.style.filter = `blur(${Math.min(8 / fraction - 8, 100)}px)`;
      elts.text1.style.opacity = `${Math.pow(fraction, 0.4) * 100}%`;
      elts.text1.textContent = texts[textIndex % texts.length];
      elts.text2.textContent = texts[(textIndex + 1) % texts.length];
    function doCooldown() {
      morph = 0;
      elts.text2.style.filter = "";
      elts.text2.style.opacity = "100%";
      elts.text1.style.filter = "";
      elts.text1.style.opacity = "0%";
    // Animation loop, which is called every frame.
    function animate() {
      let newTime = new Date();
      let shouldIncrementIndex = cooldown > 0;
      let dt = (newTime - time) / 1000;
      time = newTime;
      cooldown -= dt;
      if (cooldown <= 0) {
        if (shouldIncrementIndex) {
      } else {
    // Start the animation.


    Thank you very much for your help. I made it with your help and chat gpt. 😄

    Have a beautiful day.

  2. Hello beautiful people,

    I just started to code to pimp my website. Following tutorials, learning some basics. I already implemented some stuff but now I got to a point where I don't understand what to do. Is here someone nice who could help me out?

    I'm trying to implement this text effect to my landing page: https://codepen.io/Valgo/pen/PowZaNY 
    But I don't know where to put the CSS, HTML and JS. I tried a few variations with code boxes, code injection, custom code. I downloaded a google font, imported it. 

    Is there a friendly soul here who could lead me step by step through this project? 

    Best wishes

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