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Everything posted by Noahweb

  1. Any news? The new link you can visit is https://www.lexsos.dk/om-lexsos/forretningsbetingelser
  2. Yeah, here's a picture showing it: When the site is cropped the menu doesn't reach the bottom since the container has a fixed height. But that is one of the issues, as I would also like the text to be highlighted as you scroll 🙂 Thanks in advance. in the picture I show how far the menu reaches, where it wont go further, meaning it's far from the bottom.
  3. Hello Forum! I'm trying to achieve a menu just like the one presented on Squarespace's own support site, example: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/217594457-Adding-search-to-your-site I'm talking about the right nav menu, that has the following properties: -sticky -responsive (underlining the closest title) -contains scroll-down links to further down the webpage. I have achieved somewhat the same on my site except I don't know how to make it responsive. Furthermore, I have achieved the scroll down function using anchor links, which means I have a lot of sections on the site meaning the menu overlaps all the sections and therefore doesn't stop where it should when the page-width is changed. Could anybody help me address this issue? This is the page: https://chinchilla-bronze-zfr9.squarespace.com/om-lexsos/handelsbetingelser pass: 159265
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