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  1. Dear @tuanphan, Thanks a lot!! It works just fine! Kind regards.
  2. Dear @tuanphan, Thanks again for your help. I've added the additional summaries for the mobile view and it doesn't seem like the website has slowed down significantly. Therefore, I believe solution #1 is the best option. Please, could you provide me with the necessary code? Thanks a lot.
  3. Thanks a lot for your reply. To be honest I don´t know which solution is better. At first glance, it seems like #1 is easier to implement and manage, but I don´t know if it would overload the homepage and make it slower. In the end, there would be 4 summary blocks (2 for desktop view and 2 for mobile view). On the other hand, #2 seems more complicated (at least for me) to manage and make design changes to summary blocks in future. My impression is that #1 is a better solution, but what would you recommend? Thanks again for your help.
  4. Hi @tuanphan, First of all, thank you for your reply. Yes, exactly. I would like to have something like this. I have uploaded an example. I would like Image 1 as a desktop view and Image 3 as a mobile view, as you did in your example. Thanks again.
  5. Hello everyone, My website: https://www.cpmarket.eu/ (version 7.1). I'm working on my website and I run into the following little problem. On my home page I have two summary blocks in carousel layout. I would like for the mobile view, the two summary blocks on my home page to show only 1 post each, maintaining the carousel layout (not a column with all the posts stacked). Browsing the forum I think I have read that this would be difficult to achieve directly and that the simplest solution was to create 2 summary blocks, one that is visible only in desktop view (with 3 posts per row) and another visible only in mobile view (with 1 post, but scrollable). Is it possible to do something like this? Can someone give me a hand with this? Thank you very much in advance.
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