Hello, I was hoping you could help. The issue is the logo is duplicating on my site. I sort of got what I wanted, two pages with a reversed out logo (white on dark bgrd); except it is duplicating/nesting. Much appreciatedd if you could provide any feedback please.
I used CSS codes to start off with:
uploaded the logo, realized I was on a personal plan, then had to use Block ID. copied and cut what I had in CSS and pasted into Block ID:
background-size: contain
.header-title img{
When I inspect the element to look for block id's, it was all yui's.
<img elementtiming="nbf-header-logo-desktop" src="//images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61fb724a2c79a70bbb1ae3ae/b28edd13-ccfc-47f6-adfc-b073af3754b8/HBF+Logo+-+2018-Transperant.png?format=1500w" alt="Hayden Butler Foundation" style="display:block" fetchpriority="high" loading="eager" decoding="async" data-loader="raw">
I deleted the alternate logo HBF+Logo+Inverted+-+Transperant.png because there was a duplicate I could select, which bought me to this outcome.
Look forward to hearing from any o f you 🙂