Hi, hoping someone here will be able to answer this query for me.
I am wondering whether I can create a squarespace site and make it a subdomain of an existing third party site. When I google this I get plenty of info for the opposite (adding a third party site as a subdomain of a Squarespace site) but not this. Here is the hypothetical I'm posing:
There is an existing third party website for an organisation, let's call it 'Basset Hound Breeders of Australia' and the URL is bassethoundbreeders.org.au
I want to create a website in Squarespace to host an online magazine for the Basset Hound Breeders of Australia because I already build another magazine in Squarespace and am familiar with the format/templates.
I want to create the content in Squarespace and have it display via a subdomain eg magazine.bassethoundbreeders.org.au
Is this doable?
Many thanks for any advice anyone can provide.