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Posts posted by Bexxx

  1. Or I guess my other try was making a gallery, and making the "images" the cards of testimonials that scroll. This works pretty well but I would like 3 to show? and I didn't like the look of half of the "image" showing but I think I fixed that. Here is a picture of what that currently looks like:


    This does work much better on mobile than the testimonials "section" pre-made template. 

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.03.51 AM.png

  2. Site URL: https://areteequestrian.com


    Site URL: https://areteequestrian.com

    Hi there! I was wondering if someone could help me with the code to target the title of this list section carosel, to change the title font to my custom font, which I have CSS set for for the headings. It just didn't change this title, but I know I need to add additional code. I attached a screenshot to show what i mean.

    I was also wondering if there was a way for the arrows to go outside of the cards? I don't like them over the testimonial cards... 

    Also if there was any way to align the boxes more to the right? I'll attach a second image to kind of show what I'm going for.

    Thank you!!


    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 9.26.05 AM.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 9.38.46 AM.png

  3. Hey there,

    I need some help with my mobile menu.. this site isn't published so far so I hope someone can see it? 

    The problem is i've gone into the settings and changed the colors for the mobile menu and button but it has not reflected the changes. The color is still wrong on both the button and navigation links. I'm not sure why? Any help is appreciated thank you!

  4. Hello!

    I was wondering if there was a way to make a header on an individual blog post page, that is full bleed and extends up into the header of the website, and is different from the featured image. 

    My website: https://wildhorsecreativemt.com

    I have found a website that does this and would like to do the same thing. That website is:


    Hopefully it's possible with some customized code? Thank you in advance!


  5. Hello!

    I too, am wanting to not have the "store" section show up on the "store" page of my website. As I would rather have people click on the images with the categories to navigate in my store. 

    my URL is https://wildhorsecreativemt.com 

    I had previously made a separate page for My Shop but then the breadcrumbs navigated back to the Squarespace page Store.  So I went back to a Shop page and I used this code to get the products to disappear off of my store page but the categories to the left remain. Can someone help me problem solve?

    Thank you so much! 

    Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 2.01.53 PM.png

  6. sure! which link? I have a custom font - Impression, as my websites Headings and i have CSS in there for that. But it clearly didn't change the headings in items, such as blog titles and product titles. Wondering what I have to target to do that? Will be good to know since I hope to keep designing in Squarespace! Thanks!

  7. Hello Again 🙂 

    website: https://wildhorsecreative.squarespace.com/

    no password?

    I am trying to display my website portfolio on my site, and decided to use the carousel I think it's called. I can't seem to get these buttons to line up centered under the images though? I tried editing the content and doing it that way but they still look like this. Ultimately if possible, I would like the images to just link to the websites they represent. I previously had images that had the site name in them and can go back to those if this is a possibility. I wasn't able to do that either though. Anyone have a good solution? I want to display my portfolio with the sliding images neatly, and have users be able to go visit the sites and look around.

    Thanks in advance!



    Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 9.09.37 AM.png

  8. I'm just starting to understand how this forum works so thank you for all the replies! I didn't get a notification or anything so I didn't know anyone had replied 🙂 I think I'm understanding how it works better! Which is great because I always have a lot of questions 🙂 

  9. On 3/12/2024 at 7:39 PM, inside_the_square said:

    I also forgot about your second question - borders! Those can be tricky for images. If you have one set to "fill" instead of fit, or a shape, you can use a basic border code. All content blocks get a unique block id that you can find with a free Chrome extension that a lot of us use ( https://insidethesquare.co/chromeext )

    Here is a tutorial about creating code for specific blocks: https://insidethesquare.co/squarespace-tutorials/css-targeting-tricks

    and here is an article about borders: https://insidethesquare.co/borders

    Thank you so much! I got that Chrome extension and it helps a lot. Also got the borders figure out. Thanks again for all your help!!

  10. Hello!

    I am a new Designer in the process of swapping over from Showit 🙂 I know some CSS, excited to learn more, and wondering if someone could assist me? 

    I am trying to get the underline out of the navigation links? I don't want them to have the underline while on the current page, but can have when hovered over. 

    Also trying to get a border around a couple images on the site. Is there a CSS snippet for this?

    Thank you in advance!

    site is URL above, password is: sparrowagent


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