I'm looking for help to insert an image into a white SVG container.
I want the SVG to be resizable based on width and height, without stretching the image. Once the image is "inside" the SVG, I should be able to see the blue background.
Below is my current code.
background-image: url( 'https://dummyimage.com/1080x1920/000/fff.png' );
background-position: center;
<div class="parent" style="height: 500px; display: flex;">
<div class="clild1" style="width: 50%; height: 100%; background-color: bisque;">
<div class="child2" style="width: 50%; height: 100%; background-color: blue;">
<div class="svg-container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 511.967 906.027" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<!-- SVG content -->
<g id="DSC_5358-Edit" transform="translate(-0.033 23.834)" fill="white">
<path d="M.033,84.049,512-23.834V882.192L.033,696.119Z" stroke="none"/>
<path d="M 507.0001220703125 -17.6710205078125 L 5.0333251953125 88.10479736328125 L 5.0333251953125 692.6162719726562 L 507.0001220703125 875.0551147460938 L 507.0001220703125 -17.6710205078125 M 512.0001220703125 -23.83447265625 L 512.0001220703125 882.1923828125 L 0.0333251953125 696.1190795898438 L 0.0333251953125 84.048583984375 L 512.0001220703125 -23.83447265625 Z" stroke="none" fill="#6e6e6e"/>