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Everything posted by PeterS

  1. So I spent some time digging and I found the issue. The issue was with this design CSS snippet: header { backdrop-filter: blur(5px) !important; } This doesn't affect the desktop site but for some reason, it prevents the mobile nav menu from opening on Android devices. I fixed it by setting a media query of: @media screen and (min-width: 1025px) { header { backdrop-filter: blur(5px) !important; } } Cheers
  2. Hi there, So I have found a new bug with my site (it never ends hahah). My hamburger drop-down menu on my mobile header works perfectly fine on all Apple devices and when clicked, will expand to show my different page links. I provided a screenshot from my iPhone to show you what it should look like on all mobile devices. However, when my site is viewed on a Samsung device, the hamburger drop-down menu does not fully expand to show the page links. I will provide a photo of my site on a Samsung Galaxy phone to show you what it looks like when the hamburger drop-down is clicked on there. I am a novice programmer and I have coded my whole site by myself but this one is stumping me. I think it is a spacing issue or possibly related to the viewport. Help! Site: robinclip.com Password: squarespace Thank you
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