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Everything posted by Tom1464

  1. Hi, I am hoping to use code to allow different parts of my background image to hover link to different sites. For example the car to one site, luggage to another, jet to another and furniture to another. When hovering over the individual item eg. jet. I would like it to either highlight it or for it to grow on the screen. As I have no clue with code, I would not even know where to start with this. Any help is appreciated, Thanks
  2. Keep the top section with no gradient and the other sections the custom gradient background. Thanks
  3. Trying to implement the Bookman Old Style regular font to my site using the following code. However, it will not work. Any advice on this? Thanks // CUSTOM FONT @font-face { font-family: BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR''; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65afe66b9383ee2d09db1955/t/65b189116ca34539e52951ea/1706133777646/Bookman+Old+Style+Regular.ttf); } h1 { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} h2 { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} h3 { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} h4 { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} .sqsrte-large { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} p { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';} .sqsrte-small { font-family: 'BOOKMAN OLD STYLE REGULAR';}
  4. One More thing, is there a way to make this apply for every section bar the top one? Thanks
  5. Using the following code, I want to create a gradient background on my site using the following code. However, when inputting this into CSS it has no effect. section, section .content-wrapper, section .section-background { background: transparent !important; } #siteWrapper { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4B86B9, #B2B1BF, #F16351); background-size: 600% 100%; animation: gradient 16s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate; } @keyframes gradient { 0% { background-position: 0%; } 100% { background-position: 100%; } } Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated as I am new to code. Thanks
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