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Everything posted by ansbrys

  1. Hi @creedon, thanks this works, but only on the main page! If you click on the product, there is still a purchase button where you can order the product. How do I remove the purchase button (it can be deleted for all the items by the way because if an item is sold out it doesn't make sense either)?
  2. Thanks, but I really have no idea where to add the second part of the process...? Where do I add 'hide atc' or mark or price, to each product? Add code from file store product detail elements tagged hide.html to Store Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the store page. Add "hide atc", "hide mark", "hide price", and/or "hide quantity" tags, without the quotes, to each product where you want to hide the Add To Cart button, mark, price and/or quantity elements.
  3. Hi @creedon thanks! It worked, but there are several products sold out and some not. If I manage to hide the price label, buyers have no idea about what's sold out and what isn't. Although this is permanent (that action is completely finished) we'd still like to give this info to buyers but also to the artists that contributed... Is there a way to apply this to a product instead of to a whole page? Thanks a lot!!
  4. hi @creedon, I'd like to hide the button as well. I had a print sale for a good cause, which ended yesterday. Last edition in 2020 we sold out so that was easy to prevent people from buying more after the ending of the sale. But now we still have some prints left... Here's the page I'm talking about: https://thefemalegaze.works/ Could you help me with the right code please? Thank you!!
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