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  1. Is there a code to set a minimum site title size so that it will not get smaller than certain amount when shrinking the browser window size? I'm trying to get my header to only get slightly smaller as the browser shrinks before swapping to mobile, but right now it shrinks quite a bit. Also is there a way to shrink paragraph text size some by choosing a minimum size for it, when shrinking the browser window size. Sorry if this was explained poorly! Site is http://Timwestover.tv - thanks!
  2. So basically just trying to get the nav folder (menu) centered, the drop down centered (and stay centered when width of browser is made smaller) - and then changing the text of the dropdown to have normal 0.0 letter spacing, with some space between each of the words. Thanks again for the help!
  3. Sure thing website url is http://timwestover.tv (sorry I thought it added)
  4. Hi, could someone please help me adjust my folder navigation so that it's perfectly centered. Once you click the "menu" folder and it drops down, it's slightly shifted to the right for someone reason, as is the menu icon. Also is there a way I could reduce the space between letters but only in the drop down (I like the style of the menu letters being spaced apart but in the drop down it's kind of illegible.) Thank you so much!
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