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Everything posted by vcampaner

  1. first of all thank you for being so kind. I am trying to move the social links at the very bottom of the page, but keeping them on top of the video. I am not able to do it by adding blank spaces on the section it self it modifies the dimensions of the sections. do you know how?
  2. not really when I type my name and last name is always smaller then when I type email and subject and message. I made them all same size, but I would like all of them bigger
  3. Hi I just saw that you replied me. here is the link https://www.vittoriacampaner.com/contact
  4. Hi, everyone, I am trying to add social links at the bottom of the homepage (just before the background video ends), but I would like my social link to have the same background as the video in my section. I tried injecting codes to make the footer background transparent but nothing is working. I wonder if any can help out. leonardocampaner.com pass: leonardo
  5. Thank you this is really helpful ! If I remove it structurally is it going to change my google search ?
  6. Hi, is it possible to remove the site title from the header entirely? thank you
  7. Hi, I am trying to remove the margins only on the header. I've been trying the code with the specific id of my header but its not working. someone can help https://leonardocampaner.com/selected-work pass: leonardo
  8. Hi, is there a way to put different image backgrounds on headers? I have an index that I would like my header to stay transparent, but for each project inside I would like to put a background on the header. let me know if there is anyone that can help. https://leonardocampaner.com/selected-work pass: leonardo thank you
  9. Hi, I am trying to have the my header space lateral margin be different than the general site margins. or my Index page side margins independent. I am trying to make the lateral padding larger for my index page, but at the same time I don't want my header links to go on two lines, I want them to always stay in one line. I have been looking for code injections. so far all I found don't work. can anyone help? https://pear-papaya-hg5t.squarespace.com/selected-work pass: leonardo
  10. https://www.vittoriacampaner.com/contact My apologies I just saw this now. Above is the link of the specific page.
  11. Hi, I have changed my contact form (image attached) using the code below. The visitor text inside the boxes are of different sizes. I am only able to modify the size of the text in the 'Email', 'Subject' and 'Message' box but not the text in the 'First Name' and 'Second Name' box. On the contrary, I was able to change the color to red for all text inside all boxes. why is that happening? anyone can help? .form-wrapper .field-list .field .field-element{ border:none; border-bottom: 2px solid; border-color: #fff; background: #000000; } .form-wrapper .field-list .field .field-element { font-size: 20px; color: #FF0000; }
  12. Hi sorry for the late reply. I change my design a bit because I couldn't figure out how to write more the two lines and wanted to write more info than it is possible.
  13. Hi @Creedon, I might have one more questions about those spacing. When I look at the design on Mobile view, I see spacing on the side of my gallery in my portfolio page (attached screenshot below). When I try to edit the page the spacing is already at 0px. I think I need a CSS to fix this . let me know if you can help again. the website name is now : vittoriacampaner.com truly thank you very much 🙂
  14. This works, thank you so much. What if I have longer text than what the title page settings can take ? Is there a way to add more text space. also is there a code that adjust line height of the subtitle on thumbnails. When I try changing the title height, it doesn't affect the subtitles correctly. this is so helpful. thank you so much.
  15. https://bronze-bamboo-328c.squarespace.com pass: ciao thank you
  16. Hi, thank you for this plug in!! it works. I have questions, and I wonder if you could help me. I would like like everyone else to start the sound automatically with the video, I can't find any kind of costume buttons, also I would like to have an additional button with the option to put the video full screen. Is that possible. Thank you
  17. Hi, thank you for this plug in!! it works. I have questions, and I wonder if you could help me. I would like like everyone else to start the sound automatically with the video, I can't find any kind of costume buttons, also I would like to have an additional button with the option to put the video full screen. Is that possible. Thank you
  18. I forgot to put my website: https://bronze-bamboo-328c.squarespace.com
  19. Hello, I have tried this code, which has worked wonderfully. Thank you Tuanphan (I have been following some of your answers over this forum, and I am so grateful for your generosity of this knowledge) h3.portfolio-title span { display: block; font-size: 12px; } I have a quick question. following this code. with this code I was able to add a subtitle under the title of a project on the thumbnails - great. Now, Is it possible to have the option to add like 3-4 subtitles? one subtitle has its own line? I am not knowledgeable of custom CSS, so again, I am very grateful for this forum 🙂
  20. Hi all, both in my “portfolio page” and on my “project page” on some of the blocks there is a blank space (top and bottom). I want to remove the space completely. In the settings, it gives me the option to reduce it up to 10(custom height), I would like to make it 0, but it is not allowing me. How can I do this? I've read in this chat, and I saw many people where trying to do the same. I have tried injecting some of the codes written but they didn't work, some of the affected the size of my background video instead. I am not too knowledgeable of coding, anyone able to help me resolve this?
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