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Everything posted by PesachSteinberg

  1. I found the answer here https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002101888-Adding-custom-DNS-records-to-your-Squarespace-managed-domain#toc-cname-records Here are my steps: In blogger, go to Settings->Publishing->Custom domain and add your new www.xyz.com custom domain that you purchased in Squarespace. Blogger will respond with a warning that you have to add 2 CNAMES to Squarespace DNS settings. Take a note of those 2 CNAMES. Open your domain settings in Squarespace Edit DNS. Delete (red bin) all Squarespace defaults (i took a screenshot before i did this) Add 2 Custom Records by clicking Add Record. The 2 custom records are the 2 CNAMES in step 2 above. FInished with Squarespace (i think) Go back to blogger (step 1 above) and now you can press OK to add your new custom domain. In blogger I always do Redirect Domain to the new www.xyz.com custom domain, and turn on HTTPS availability and HTTPS redirect (although I am yet to ascertain if this is necessary... Now give it a few minutes/hours for all the internet records to sort themselves out. I have checked and yes... now my blogspot redirects to my custom domain 😀 Regards pesachsteinberg@gmail.com -------------------------- DELETE THE SQUARESPACE DEFAULTS: ADD THE CNAMES TO CUSTOM RECORDS (from blogger custom domain): FIX THE REST OF YOUR BLOGGER SETTINGS AS FOLLOWS:
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