I have been having the exact same problem as @billzilla with assets.squarespace.com/universal/scripts-compressed/extract-css-moment-js-vendor-e67ac5a108455ec4edca7-min.en-US.js. Depending on the day or time, it hangs our nonprofit organization site (democracycollaborative.org) for as long as a minute. I'm attaching a screenshot of the Chrome developer panel I used yesterday to track what was loading on the site and how long it loads. Of course, when people on Squarespace's help desk load the site, it works fine. But a staff member at another location from where I work had the same experience I did yesterday. The only code injection on our site is what appears to be default footer code. I assume deleting that code would affect some important site function. I would appreciate some specific guidance on what this code does and how to either make it not hang the site or delete it altogether. @tuanphan please weigh in.