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  1. Amazing thank you @tuanphan! I've now just added both sections so I just need to add the code to hide each. Where exactly do I need to add it and what does it need to be? So very much appreciate your help!!!
  2. Hi, Can anyone suggest a work around so that a different gallery section appears for mobile than desktop so one can be all portrait images and the other landscape for maximum impact? I can set both up how I want them (see attached) but I don't know how to set each to hide for the alternative view. Is custom code for each what is required and where and how do I do this? Website is: carrieretallack.com Thanks! Carrie
  3. Hi @tuanphan you are seriously the best! Thanks so much!!! : )
  4. Hi Everyone, I've just launched my fine art website in time for my first exhibition but I'm having trouble removing just one ugly feature on my homepage (carrieretallack.com) 2nd section down, on the product summary block, there's a banner appearing over my images that currently has a customised version of the 'Sold out' text which I've changed to "Prices as displayed. All sales currently through Brunswick Street Gallery" as I'm unable to make sales directly through my site for the period of my exhibition. Anyone have any advice/custom code I could use just to hide it in this instance please? It's covering all my images! @tuanphan it looks like you may have provided a similar solution for just the product page (which I used and worked thanks!) but it's the summary block now that it still appears on I want to remove it from. Thanks! Carrie
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