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Everything posted by jdb99

  1. I've worked on maybe 8-10 Squarespace sites injecting custom css and code into previously published websites, but now I'm working on one that hasn't been published yet and it almost seems too...easy? By that I mean I'm using actual class names, instead of something like this .block-id123456789 {custom css} I'm able to use actual class names like so: .header-nav-list {custom css} Is there a point in time when block IDs and section IDs are actually assigned? I'm glad I'm getting all of my code to work now, but I'm nervous that when the time comes for blocks and sections to have IDs, especially for custom JS and using querySelect(), that I'm going to have to put a lot of hours into redoing everything I've done so far.
  2. Bumping. Still looking for a decent workaround for this with ss's CSS. Thanks so much
  3. Hey all. I've got a client who made something that he's really happy with using the standard drag n' drop of the grid system, but it's causing a lot of problems on the mobile version. Basically, he's got five different text blocks within a shape, which is easy enough to drag and drop on desktop, but because of some funkiness behind the scenes (and I assume something with the fluid engine), those text boxes are kind of all over the place and only 1-2 text boxes are actually still within the shape. My gut instinct is to inject js, using selectors and appendChild and then use flexbox or something to get everything lined up appropriately, but before I go ham on that (and, this is an event page, so I would have to update this all the time), I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck with a parent div, multiple children, visually flexed, just by using the given tools?
  4. "bump de hump, hump de bump, bump bump" -- anthony kiedis
  5. Is there a way to do this without !important? I'm trying to resize certain blocks (to expand horizontally on screen shrinking) by making my div start one col earlier and end one col later for certain screen sizes, but I don't want it to be important for everything. Also, !important is just a real shoddy method and I'm wishing just changing the grid would work Here's what the code is now in chrome dev tools, and I've tried both just the shorthand and the long way and neither of them will react to 2/3/4/15 (also, I definitely have it selected. it works with important) grid-area: 2/4/4/13; grid-row-start: 2; grid-column-start: 4; grid-row-end: 4; grid-column-end: 13;
  6. So, I'm trying to make very specific changes to some CSS styles. I figure I'll probably have to use these long class names and IDs as selectors, right? For example, this is just part of one selector: #yui_3_17_2_1_17011......... > div.fe-block.fe-block-51ced305e6f..... However, I'm on a chat with a Squarespace agent right now who told me "So it looks like the ID numbers of the block will change dynamically in version 7.1 sites, so any code targeting a specific ID may not work when the site is refreshed or reloaded." That's clearly an issue for custom css, no? Again I'm not trying to change every .button or every p, I'm trying to access very specific buttons and text divs, and I feel like I need those IDs and class names to stay the same! TIA
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