It seems not possibile to change file name in Squarespace. When you upload an image, it’s uploaded inside a CDN (sort of) with a different name - you can see if you go on the website front end and download your image directly from your page.
You cannot edit image name. If you want to “edit” it, you have to download your image (via Asset library or directly front end), edit name locally, then upload the image with the new name.
But warning: if you want to have the image with the new name on the page(s) in which there is the image with the old name, you have to edit the page to re-assign the new uploaded image.
I hope Squarespace will change this. It’s useful (it is how this should be) to allow to edit file names or, in general, override an image from asset library to change it in every page it’s used.
Hi, thanks for the interest. I've just come here to say that we found solution that work smoothly: