Hi there,
I'm wondering if I'm not going about this the correct way however I'm currently designing a website that sells antique goods. I've created all of the various products & product categories in the store feature.
What I'm curious about is that when I go and try and add a subheading to a specific page IE in the 'textile' specific category it adds that section to every page of the shop; rather than just the textile one. One of the potential explanations I thought of is that Squarespace treats the store category pages as all one big page view, rather than individual pages. However, each category page has its own URL so it just doesn't really make sense to me.
Is there a way to add a page-section to a shop view and not have it come up on every page? I've included an image to try and illustrate what I mean. Even though I built this page section in the 'textile' view it is still visible in the 'interior decor' section.
I've looked through the various section/page options but nothing seems to be jumping out at me as a good alternative/quick fix.
If it's not possible to have each product category have it's own heading, does anyone have any recommendations on a good alternative?