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  1. @SocialScriptSolutions I would add a website screen recording tool like Microsoft Clarity to your website to better understand why people are leaving without looking at other pages. I would also analyze your advertising links vs the landing page copy--is it misleading or very different than the landing page? mismatched expectations of what the user is seeing on the landing page is usually the reason people bounce. If you need help analyzing your advertising and conversion funnel, send me a message and I'd be happy do a quick free consultation and get you a quote.
  2. Are you referring to Squarespace analytics or a different tool? @CHRISBER
  3. Hi @assist4her, it's not possible in Squarespace Analytics but is possible using Google Analytics or a similar third-party tool.
  4. Thanks for the shoutout @kate_frances_designs 🙌🏾 @dorothy_gd, let me know if you have any questions after reviewing my analytics for Squarespace code here.
  5. @marcuslieder @millagorilla, I would recommend using Google Tag Manager for this instead of directly injecting this code to your website. GTM has easy to use templates where you can just create a trigger to fire this tag on a certain page or action, and GTM creates the snippet for you. Here's a quick guide about how to add Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager on a Squarespace website. It's a similar process for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. or if you're a video person: Let me know if you have any questions!
  6. Hi @Squarespace_PDX23, I think this plan makes sense! Why would their analytics have a gap as long as the site goes live during off hours for their site visitors? Also, I would definitely advise them to add Google Analytics or an alternative to their website as Squarespace analytics has some limitations.
  7. Hi @Auvz, I recommend using a tool called Google Tag Manager to add Google Analytics to your website (and all of your other marketing code/tags). I recommend adding Google Analytics this way vs. using Squarespace's GA integration for a few reasons: It makes the process simpler and cleaner since its all in one spot. GTM has built-in templates for Google Analytics, Google Ads, etc. so it's easy to set up correctly. You can fully customize your analytics tracking, especially ecommerce analytics in GA4. Squarespace's integration has a lot of limitations (you can read more about them in this blog: limitations of Squarespace's Google Analytics Integration) Here's a quick guide about how to add Google Analytics through Google Tag Manager on a Squarespace website or if you're a video person: cc: @Admacg73
  8. You're welcome and I'm glad you find it helpful! You need to go into your GA4 ecommerce tag and remove "item_variant_color" as a parameter since you aren't using it in your code. Once you delete that parameter and save your tag, you shouldn't see that error again. I've highlighted what you need to remove in my screenshot below:
  9. Hi @sanfly, you're on the right track! The variable name would be item_variant_size 😊 I've updated my blog post to include setting up the data layer variables in Google Tag Manager: https://www.tayloreddata.com/blog/how-to-track-ga4-ecommerce-events-on-your-squarespace-website#ecommerce-event-parameters
  10. Hi @GlynMusica that's not the case. You can't load GTM on the secure checkout page (the page where the user pays) since it's a third party payment system, but you can load GTM on the confirmation page where the purchase values are. Here's a screenshot of my purchase confirmation page with the GTM debugger open. You can see that I'm able to push the purchase data to the data layer:
  11. Hi @DavidA888 You should be able to do something like: Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true Click Classes > contains > cart-checkout-button Click Classes > contains > shopify-buy__btn Additionally, I create a guide to track ecommerce events--including add to cart and checkout--on Squarespace sites using Google Tag Manager: https://www.tayloreddata.com/blog/how-to-track-ga4-ecommerce-events-on-your-squarespace-website Once I implemented this code, I'm able to measure how many people view my products, select a item, add to cart, remove from cart, begin checkout, and make a purchase in GA4: Let me know if you have any questions!
  12. Hi @safarih, I created a guide to track ecommerce events--including checkout--on Squarespace sites using Google Tag Manager: https://www.tayloreddata.com/blog/how-to-track-ga4-ecommerce-events-on-your-squarespace-website The code I wrote, creates data layer pushes for each ecommerce event that you can then send to Google Analytics, Google Ads, etc. You can simply copy and paste the code into your own Google Tag Manager containers, just test and ensure it works for your website 🙂 Once I implemented this code, I'm able to measure how many people view my products, select a item, add to cart, remove from cart, begin checkout, and make a purchase in GA4: Let me know if you have any questions!
  13. If this is for Google Ads, @LizzyDizzy @CLH you don't have to create custom code. just use google tag manager. select google ads as the tag type and clicking the button the trigger.
  14. Hi @FreyaPadmore yes, it will double count. I recommend removing GA external API key and only using GTM because GTM offers way more flexibility to track the user interactions on your website (like ecommerce tracking). With the external API key, you're limited to the events Squarespace decides to send to GA.
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