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  1. That's correct, make that image into a carousel of images, then the text on the right will stay the sam, even if the image changes.
  2. Apologies, PW is: Party1
  3. Hi all, I'm looking to add a pop-up to my site https://guitar-capybera-653w.squarespace.com/ Its a booking pop up from this website: https://www.partypromanager.com Here is there how to guide on installing the pop up: https://answers.partypromanager.com/en/article/33-how-to-add-your-booking-form-to-your-website#ps-squarespace Here is an example of a site with the pop up for reference too: https://www.partypromanager.com/demo/born-to-party/ I've added the PPM Code Snippet to the home page, and then added the link 'https://partypromanager.com/contact-provider?providerId=c4bd887d-2790-4af6-be76-2be496b8f6ba#popup-ppm' Even with doing these, the link still takes you off the website to their site, rather than the pop up being on my site. Also, when I try and add the code site wide, I lose the image in the header for some reason too? Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Luke
  4. Hi everyone, I'm trying to add a carousel to the images sections on the page: https://guitar-capybera-653w.squarespace.com/parties At the moment its just one image, but I'd like this to be multiple images, and keep the heading, text, and CTA on the right. Seems like the only way to to get a plug in. Ideally if I have to get a plug in, I'd like it to be a free one with no branding not the website. Not sure if there is a clear solution, havent been able to find one. Happy to do this with code if needed, but any help would be great! Thanks Luke
  5. Sorry @tuanphan, I meant the title above the grid, the ones that say 'Social Media Packages' & 'Email Marketing Packages'?
  6. Thank you @tuanphan! Is there a way to reduce the size of the title on those pages too?
  7. Website: https://www.viewagency.co.uk/ Password: testview I'm look for some design feedback on my website, 90% of all pages have been built, but I think the site design wise isn't consistent. I was trying keep the colour scheme fairly neutral with whites/greys/blacks. I think a lot of the images where icons have been used, for things such as the product pages where I have the packages listed could do with a change so open to suggestions on all of those too! Any feedback would be super helpful. Thanks in advance.
  8. Website link: https://www.viewagency.co.uk/ Password: testview I'm trying to reduce the heading size on the social media packages and email marketing packages page so it doesn't take up so much room. With reducing the size, it like it to be a little bit closer to the navigation too. I'd also like to reduce the size of the images, they look too big at the moment and with the planned reduction of the heading, I think these as well will need a reduction. Again, with the reduction, I'd like to move them up closer to the top of the page so it looks a bit more compact. Ideally, trying to made it so I can customise the sizes and heights if possible! Thanks in advance!
  9. Perfect, that's sorted it. Thank you very much!
  10. Thank you for sending both across, really appreciate it! 🙂 The box positioning is now perfect, I'm just trying to reduce the space between the headings 'Email Marketing' and 'Social Media Marketing' I thought this was in: .header-nav-folder-content a {padding-bottom:.5rem!important;} but after changing the padding, it doesn't seem to change it. Any ideas on how to reduce it?
  11. I'm trying to make the drop down be placed further down when hovering over services so its below the top nav. I'm also trying to make the text highlighted in the top nav whenever you hover over it. Whether that be with a line underneath or something else. And to apply this to the drop down menu when the user hovers over any link there too. link: https://www.viewagency.co.uk Password is viewtest.
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