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Everything posted by rachy1105

  1. https://www.themediumagency.com/portfolio I used this on the home page and it worked but want the same effect on the portfolio page ! .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694104930278_8932 .summary-thumbnail.img-wrapper { background-color: #7879a0; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694104930278_8932 .summary-thumbnail.img-wrapper img { opacity: .50; transition: all .4s; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694104930278_8932 .summary-thumbnail.img-wrapper img:hover { opacity: 1; } .fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1694104930278_8932 .summary-thumbnail.img-wrapper { background-color: #7879a0; border-radius: 125px; /* play around with this number */ border: 3px solid #000; } any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. One other thing I'm wondering. Adding a lighting bolt cursor that works across all the pages?
  3. The cirlces worked again! You're awesome thank you!
  4. that worked! what about a code to change the shape of the thumbnail? like a circle or at least make the corners rounded. I'm also wondering about adding a think black border to the photos. you did so awesome on that first one! Thank you!
  5. https://robin-echidna-8j8b.squarespace.com/config/ thank you so much! is this the right link?
  6. I need a code that will turn gallery images on my home page from my portfolio thumbnails to a dusty purple filter and go back to full color when hovered over?
  7. my home page has a gallery using images from the portfolio pages. I'm looking for a code that will put a dark slightly purple filet over the images until you hover over them and then they would go full color. Any ideas?
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