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ashleyev's Achievements

  1. Thank you! That worked, but if you notice in my screenshot, the hover line and the active link line have different spacing beneath the link. Is there a way to make this uniform? (Commissions vs. Classes)
  2. Hi Sorca, Thanks for checking it, but I see the same issue. When I click on a link in the header and it's in active state, when I hover over the active link a second underline appears. See screenshot.
  3. Sorry about that. The new site is : nonagon-swan-prtl.squarespace.com
  4. Here is the new URL for the site: nonagon-swan-prtl.squarespace.com apologies!
  5. Hello! Yes, the password is limescarf13 I think I may need to upgrade to publish the site. Please let me know if you can't access. I will not take as long to respond this time 🙂
  6. Hey there! New to Squarespace and CSS. Here's my site: https://aardvark-tangerine-ncep.squarespace.com/config/ I want to customize my header links states to be... Inactive: nothing Hover: underline (or bottom border) Active: underline (or bottom border) Running into 2 problems: The active / hover effect underlines are different. (One came with template and one is my custom CSS, I prefer my customization). When a link is active AND I hover, it has 2 underline decorations. Only want to show one (active) Can someone help me out 😄 Thanks in advance! Screenshot attached. CSS snippet below. /* Apply "DM Sans" to paragraphs and headings */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: 'DM Sans', sans-serif; font-weight: 500; } /* Apply the custom font style to all Paragraph 1 blocks */ p { font-family: 'Mulish', sans-serif; /* Apply your desired font */ /* Additional styling, such as font size, color, etc. */ } /* Apply a hover effect to the button with the class "your-button-class" */ .your-button-class:hover { background-color: #ff6600; /* Change this to your desired hover background color */ /* Additional styling, such as color, border, etc. */ } /* Apply a custom font style to the header navigation links */ .header-nav-item { font-family:'DM Sans', sans-serif; font-weight: 500; /* Additional styling, such as font size, color, etc. */ } /* Apply an underline effect to the header navigation items on hover */ .header-nav-item:hover { text-decoration: underline; /* Add an underline on hover */ } /* Apply an underline effect to inactive header navigation items on hover */ .header-nav-item:not(.header-nav-item--active):hover { text-decoration: underline; /* Add an underline on hover */ }
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