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Everything posted by Jefferson0123

  1. I have a webpage on the website about Residential Conveyancing https://www.owenkenny.com/residential-conveyancing on there there is a button 'Click here for a quote' when you click this, a pop up opens so you can fill in a form and get a quote. Can this pop up window have a URL? Reason being is when people search for 'chichester residential conveyancing quote' it takes people to the main residential webpage but I'd like them to go straight to the pop uo quote section (which is powered by Whoolaa). The URL I'd like to use for this is https://www.owenkenny.com/conveyancing-quote Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi, thanks for taking a look. The weblink is https://www.owenkenny.com/blog
  3. I would like to make the blog page 'Read more' hyperlinked text consistent style wise with the rest of the website's hyperlinks. The first screenshot shows how I'd like all blog post 'Read more' hyperlinks to look like vs how they currently look. I've already had nice CSS code set up so when links are hovered over you get a cool highlight effect. I'd like to do the same for all 'Read more' links for each blog within the blog section of the website. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thank you guys. Can't believe I didn't quite join the dots understanding first time round!
  5. Thanks for looking into this. Does this mean I would need to avoid using a contact form block template (as attached)? Not sure how I'd create a full contact form with various text fields and link it all to one form?
  6. Hello, I wish to change the 0124 3000000 phone number format to 01243 000000 (five digits, space, six digits) within the contact us form. Also, the website does not allow for autofill – is there a fix for this?
  7. Here's the link to my website: https://olive-glockenspiel-gbhp.squarespace.com I'd like the new Contact Us bottom (bottom right of webpage) to darken slightly when you hover over it. Like how the other CTA buttons are on the website.
  8. That worked brilliantly. Thank you for looking into this for me.
  9. Not sure why this is happening. To find the page can you search for Deputyship Application FAQs or try some of the wording from the webpage: If a friend or a loved one is unable to manage their affairs and if they have not previously prepared an Enduring Power of Attorney or a Lasting Power of Attorney then a Deputyship Application is the next step.
  10. Sorry I thought I've included a link. Here it is: https://olive-glockenspiel-gbhp.squarespace.com/deputyship-application-faqs
  11. Hi there, what custom CSS code do I need to change the colour of my accordion Header 2 text and horizontal line dividers to a green colour #7DB560. Please note I will need to be able to do this on multiple webpages where there is lengthy texts. Would really appreciate your help.
  12. That's brilliant and it works well. Thank you. Is it possible to add in a hover colour like the other buttons on the website?
  13. Hi again, I want to ensure the above button is noticeable – do you have some codes I can use to add some animation like a wiggle effect or a flashing effect?
  14. Hello, I need to create a fixed call to action button that appears on all pages of the website on the bottom right (and hovers as you scroll up or down on webpages). I need customers to very easily find the contact section. The button needs to take people to the Contact page. I've done a mockup of how I want this to look (on bottom right of both screenshots) but I do need the button to be narrower in width so it isn't too clunky. Would really appreciate your help.
  15. That has worked – thank you so much! One last thing on this... I'm sure this should be an easy fix but there is a lot of space above and below the button and I cannot seem to tighten the spacing. Below is the current embed script – can this be altered to forcefully reduce the spacing round the button? <div class="hoowla-quote" data-id="7710100-2" data-buying-help-to-buy-isa="true" data-buying-buy-to-let-or-2nd-home="true" data-buying-unregistered="true" data-remortgage-transfer-of-equity="true" data-buying-help-to-buy-scheme="true" data-buying-new-build="true" data-buying-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-shared-ownership="true" data-remortgage-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-leasehold="true" data-remortgage-leasehold="true" data-text="Click here for quote" data-color="#7DB560" data-form-button-color="#7DB560" data-form-color="#F4F8ED" data-form-text-color="#002D1D" data-size=“extra-large” data=border=“default”></div> <script> !function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type='text/javascript'; s.async=true; s.src = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.hoowla.com/hoowla-quote-plugin-min.js'; var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(s, e); }(); </script> Really appreciate your help!
  16. I have pasted the code in the Custom CSS section. Though the button styling is correct only when I have the Custom CSS panel open on the left. Is there anything else I could try? The first screenshot shows how I want the button to look while the second screenshot shows how the button is currently.
  17. Okay so I have used the following code in Code Injection: /* Hoowla quote button */ a.hoowla-quote-button { padding: 1.2rem 2.004rem; background-color: #90bd37; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0); border-radius: 5em; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; text-transform: none; font-family: Rockwell,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 1.3rem; font-weight: 400; } then for the button I have used a code block with the following embed script: <div class="hoowla-quote" data-id="7710100-2" data-buying-help-to-buy-isa="true" data-buying-buy-to-let-or-2nd-home="true" data-buying-unregistered="true" data-remortgage-transfer-of-equity="true" data-buying-help-to-buy-scheme="true" data-buying-new-build="true" data-buying-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-shared-ownership="true" data-remortgage-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-leasehold="true" data-remortgage-leasehold="true" data-text="Click here for quote" data-color="#7DB560" data-form-button-color="#7DB560" data-form-color="#F4F8ED" data-form-text-color="#002D1D" data-size=“extra-large” data=border=“default”></div> <script> !function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type='text/javascript'; s.async=true; s.src = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.hoowla.com/hoowla-quote-plugin-min.js'; var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(s, e); }(); </script> The button still doesn't look right. Is there anything else I could try? The second screenshot shows how I want the button to look. Also I can't seem to reduce the excessive padding above and below the button. Thanks for looking into this for me.
  18. Unfortunately this doesn't work. I get an error message on the top line of code starting with <div class="hoowla-quote"
  19. Unfortunately this only works temporarily (if I have custom CSS panel open on the left). Is there another way round?
  20. I have a button that opens up a pop up form for an instant conveyancing quote (powered by Hoowla) but I want to change the styling of the button so it's consistent with the rest of the buttons on my website. Hoowla have supplied me an embed code for the button – can you suggest how I edit this code so the appearence is like the other buttons on my site? The correctly formatted buttons are ones in the centre. To preview my site https://olive-glockenspiel-gbhp.squarespace.com preview password Scarysolicitors1234 Page is at in Home / Conveyancing <div class="hoowla-quote" data-id="7710100-2" data-buying-help-to-buy-isa="true" data-buying-buy-to-let-or-2nd-home="true" data-buying-unregistered="true" data-remortgage-transfer-of-equity="true" data-buying-help-to-buy-scheme="true" data-buying-new-build="true" data-buying-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-shared-ownership="true" data-remortgage-shared-ownership="true" data-selling-leasehold="true" data-remortgage-leasehold="true" data-text="Find Out Now" data-color="#7DB560" data-form-button-color="#7DB560" data-form-color="#F4F8ED" data-form-text-color="#002D1D" data-size=“extra-large” data=border=“default”></div> <script> !function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type='text/javascript'; s.async=true; s.src = 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.hoowla.com/hoowla-quote-plugin-min.js'; var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; e.parentNode.insertBefore(s, e); }(); </script> ^embed code for the pop up quote button
  21. I have a job vacancy webpage on my website and on there I have set up a contact form but I need someone to be able to attach a file (like a CV) to the contact form and submit their application. I need it to go to one email address which I have set up. Squarespace have informed me that the upload attachment feature is NOT availible so can this be set up using custom CSS?
  22. That has fixed the issue – thank you so much! What line of code shall I insert below the color line if I wanted to have the dashed list aligned to the left with the text above? Thanks for the shout about the Solicitors Regulation Authority logo for the footer of website!
  23. Cheers for looking into this Ziggy. Here's the site https://olive-glockenspiel-gbhp.squarespace.com and the preview password is Scarysolicitors1234 Hopefully it's a simple fix. I'm happy to have some target set up that only the Meet the Team page doesn't use the dashed bullet list styling.
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