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  1. Hello! There should be no password required, this site is live! I am trying to figure out how I can make the next blog post that is featured and promoted after a blog post to be within the same category and be chronologically organized by date. Under the resources page in the news and articles sections these blog posts are organized by specific categories, but when you finish reading it gives you the next post by date, but it is a case study and not an article. Let me know if anyone can help, or has any questions! Best, Brianna
  2. @Ziggy okay, thanks for trying! I found this @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:2000px) { #collection-65ce2ababf968d50d62eeb81 .col { width: 100%; display: flex !important; flex-direction: column !important; } } It is still not working, but would you see any way this could work?
  3. @Ziggy yes, I understand. But how do I make the tablet breakpoints smaller, so that it goes to that mobile viewpoint instead of desktop? is that possible?
  4. @Ziggy It is called Fluid Engine Tablet spacing fixer: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/fluid-engine-tablet-spaci/gemmfnoajaghnaddkccmekbchdgckdab I feel like adjusting the breakpoints should work, but i dont know the custom code to do that across my whole site. If you could give me that css that would be amazing!
  5. Hey @Ziggy I have a chrome extension plugin that allows me to edit tablet as mobile, but the screen size on my ipad is too large so it goes to desktop version. I would like the site on tablet to appear as it does on mobile throughout instead of desktop. Otherwise text gets cut off and photos overlap. Thank you!
  6. https://relianthp.squarespace.com/ PW: ReliantHP! Hello, I want to force tablet vertical size to appear as it does in the mobile version across my whole site. I tried this code, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Would appreciate any help, thank you! @media screen and (max-width:800px) { [class*=sqs-col] { width: 100% !important; } } Brianna
  7. @Web_Solutions Sorry for the delayed response! Yes, that is what I want to do but not for sub navigation actually for my footer links!
  8. @Ziggy but if I remove the line break I cannot use p2 then p3 right? Is there a way to edit that without code since the client will be editing the team frequently
  9. @jaeveedee it is fine on the news tab, but under all, if you scroll all the way down to the new section it is not responding for some reason!
  10. @jaeveedee Hey, yeah, but I don't know, something is still broken only with the news page on mobile and I just don't understand why. I have tried making an entirely new summary block as well!
  11. Hello, https://bes.squarespace.com/ password: BES! I am trying to remove padding from p3 hyperlinks and can't seem to get it right. The element is p.sqrste-small, but when I adjust the padding in css nothing seems to change. I think it is because it has a paragraph before, but I can't remove that since the text above is p2 not p3. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
  12. Thank you so much @jaeveedee! I just had one follow up question. For some reason just the news page does not seem to be following suit. I have tried editing it individually, but it messed with it on desktop. Any chance you could help me out with identifying the issue, thank you 🙂
  13. Hello! I am looking to figure out how to customize my subnav links so that when you hover them the green line in my main navigation appears. i have tried a few codes and can't figure it out. Thank you! Site URL: https://bes.squarespace.com/ Password: BES!
  14. @jaeveedee I got it to go a little further to the right with this, but still not fixing most of it, so I deleted it out. @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { .summary-title-link { font-size:40px; width: 100% !important; } }
  15. @jaeveedee YES, thank you so much! The only thing is the text boxes still aren't getting rid of the padding and it looks like the text box is not full width. I could always make the text smaller for mobile if we can't figure that out!
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