Greetings Squarespace & Squarespace Community,
I enjoy utilizing Squarespace, however I must admit there's a few things I feel can make it better and continually live up to it's great potential.
I know I utilize the form block extensively, however there are minor tweaks I feel that can be made to better it for all users such as the website owners and the clients/customers/users who utilize it.
Below are some of my suggestions.
Drop Down Select: The drop down select field is very vital and important, however what I noticed what would happen a lot with my customers and clients is that they can blow past a question on accident without necessarily reading it, because the first option there doesn't require them to actually click the drop down and make a selection. I believe Squarespace should fix this field by implementing an actual "Please Select An Option Below" portion that will require them to select an option or it will not allow them to complete the form.
Incorporate an upload an image field.
Add a multiple choice field.
Add a feature that creates an option where if they select one thing it can spawn a secondary question.