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Everything posted by Kfed

  1. Hi I am using Shopify for my online store because, unfortunately, the country that I live in is not supported by Squarespace, which says third-party payment platforms such as Stripe. I currently use the buy button from Shopify which produces a line of code which I inject into my Square Space site. I am just making sure that doesn't affect the checkout process and doesn't result in a message to the buyer that this site is not secure...I assume that is what the SSL certificate does? I just want to make sure that there isn't anything that will negatively affect the purchasing decision of a potential buyer when they go on the website
  2. @CollaboradaThanks for feedback...what exactly do you mean by 'migration'?
  3. Website: https://www.aylett.co.za/
  4. Hi there My Favicon will not update on Google Search (Google Chrome or Safari) (See attached) I have followed the Favicon instructions carefully (See attached) and also have never encountered this problem with past SS sites The Favicon only appears in browser tabs Help much appreciated!
  5. @Ziggythank you all is working. Appreciate it!!!
  6. @Ziggy in the same Custom CSS section as AM chart code?
  7. @Ziggy Thanks for all the help! Much appreciated! One last thing...where can Insert this code?
  8. & just to confirm that the code will still work even when I terminate original word press site @Ziggy
  9. Thanks @Ziggy, would I put that custom CSS at the end of the code?
  10. I am currently copying the code from our old Wordpress site, which we are terminating once the new square space site us up. I just want to make sure that the 'plugin' in the Wordpress site will not effect the new 'square space site' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Aylett-Global-Equity-Fund | amCharts</title> <meta name="description" content="chart created using amCharts live editor" /> <!-- amCharts javascript sources --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/serial.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/themes/light.js"></script> <!-- amCharts javascript code --> <script type="text/javascript"> AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", { "type": "serial", "balloonDateFormat": "MM, YY", "categoryField": "date", "columnSpacing": 10, "columnWidth": 0, "dataDateFormat": "MM, YY", "zoomOutOnDataUpdate": false, "autoMarginOffset": 50, "marginBottom": 50, "marginLeft": 50, "marginRight": 50, "marginTop": 0, "plotAreaBorderAlpha": 0.47, "plotAreaBorderColor": "#B1B1B1", "zoomOutButtonPadding": 0, "sequencedAnimation": false, "startDuration": 1, "startEffect": "easeInSine", "accessible": false, "accessibleTitle": "", "borderAlpha": 0.47, "borderColor": "", "color": "#4D4D4F", "creditsPosition": "bottom-left", "fontFamily": "Muli", "fontSize": 12, "handDrawScatter": 0, "handDrawThickness": 0, "theme": "light", "categoryAxis": { "autoRotateAngle": 0, "autoRotateCount": 8, "equalSpacing": true, "gridPosition": "start", "startOnAxis": true, "axisAlpha": 0.22, "axisColor": "#B1B1B1", "boldLabels": true, "centerLabels": true, "centerRotatedLabels": true, "fillColor": "#888888", "firstDayOfWeek": 0, "fontSize": 10, "gridAlpha": 0.24, "gridColor": "#B1B1B1", "gridCount": 0, "markPeriodChange": false, "minHorizontalGap": 80, "minVerticalGap": 78, "tickLength": 1, "title": "", "titleFontSize": 10 }, "chartCursor": { "enabled": true, "bulletSize": 10, "categoryBalloonAlpha": 0.84, "categoryBalloonColor": "#1F3864", "categoryBalloonEnabled": false, "cursorAlpha": 0.48, "cursorColor": "#B1B1B1", "graphBulletSize": 1 }, "trendLines": [], "graphs": [ { "balloonText": "[[title]] as of [[category]]: [[value]]", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 0, "bulletSize": 2, "customMarker": "", "fontSize": 2, "id": "Aylett Global Equity Fund - 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  11. Hi, I am trying to use AM charts in square space. Has anyone utilized before?
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