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Posts posted by Vic2278

  1. Hi @paul2009,

    Sorry for the missing information... 

    Here you can find a product on our site https://www.chateau-exclusif.com/ourcollection/p/pavie 

    (password: fourways)

    So at the moment our inventory is designed in a "per bottle" manner, meaning that we count each bottle separately and that the price in the inventory is equal to the price per bottle.

    Our goal is to create a "per crate" inventory, meaning that the price in the inventory will be per crate. But we want to display the price per bottle (without hard-coding).

    Is there a way to do this? 


    (and yes the price per bottle is the same)


  2. Hi,

    Sorry to bother you all. I am working on a website that sells luxurious wines. Our inventory is based on crates of wines (so boxes of 6 or 12 bottles). Our customers will also only be able to order per crate. 

    When displaying the products, we want to show the price per bottle (so the price of the crate divided by the amount of bottles). Do you know if it is possible to solve this using code and not just hardcoding the bottle prices in the application? 

    Thanks in advance!


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