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  1. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Add second button on Event page was marked as the answer   
    @tuanphan This is regarding the Event Listing Page. I’m working on adding two buttons to the page and believe I've found a solution. I appreciate your prompt response and support—it means a lot to us.
  2. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Would like to change the font colour for the drop down menu was marked as the answer   
    Try this code 
    .header-nav-folder-content{border-radius:15px; background-color: blue !important; }  
  3. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Converting iPad menu to hamburger menu at specific pixel width was marked as the answer   
    @media screen and (max-width:991px) { .header-nav { display: none; } .header-actions { display: none; } .header-burger { display: flex; } .header--menu-open .header-menu { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } }   Try this code in website tools >> custom css
  4. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Slideshow gallery reel - rounded corners not working was marked as the answer   
    Hello @bkiegaldie Try this code Website Tools >> Custom Css
    .gallery-reel-item img { padding: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; width: 94% !important; height: 92%!important; border-radius: 10px; }  
  5. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in YouTube partially blocked in some countries, but okay to use. was marked as the answer   
    hello @MoeTalks
    It seems you're having trouble uploading or linking a video with a song on Squarespace. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
    Check Video Format: Ensure the video format (e.g., MP4) is supported by Squarespace. Verify the Link: Confirm the video link is correctly formatted and accessible. Ensure privacy settings on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo allow embedding. Replace the Link: Try using a different link or re-upload the video. Clear Cache: Clear your browser's cache and cookies or try an incognito window or a different browser. Check Size and Duration: Ensure the video meets file size and duration limits. Check for Issues: Verify if Squarespace is experiencing technical problems by checking their Status Page. Different Device/Network: Try uploading from another device or network. If changing the song is an option and you suspect it's causing the issue, try using a different track. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to Squarespace Support for further assistance.
  6. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Achieve hover effect only on button, and not on whole block was marked as the answer   
    hello @Mathias654321

    using this CSS code
    .medium-button-style-raised .sqs-block-button .sqs-block-button-element--medium:hover { background-color:#cff491; }  
  7. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Different letter spacing between primary nav button and dropdown menu was marked as the answer   
    Try this code 
    a.Header-nav-folder-title { letter-spacing: 32px; }  
  8. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Place 2 buttons in the menu / navigation was marked as the answer   
    hello @Bluemonque
    @media only screen and (max-width:992px) { .header-actions-action.header-actions-action--cta.preFade.fadeIn { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 10px; } } use this CSS
  9. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Add space between image and categories was marked as the answer   
    .tweak-blog-masonry-text-alignment-center .blog-masonry .blog-meta-section { justify-content: center; padding: 29px 0px; } Try this in Website tools >> Custom Css
  10. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Error messages in my form aren't displaying right was marked as the answer   
    Hello @jessg123

    add the latter spacing in your required Error Message
    .form-field-error { letter-spacing:1px!important; }  
  11. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Change color from active header page was marked as the answer   
    Try this code 
    nav .active>a { color: #bababa; }  
  12. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in h1 text taking a long time to load was marked as the answer   
    Hello @PrettyGood

    On my PC it works no one has any loading issues. It may be your animation speed is very slow or second remove Your Cached files  

    another solution is to remove scale text & add a custom CSS font size 
  13. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Change Gallery overlay font size. was marked as the answer   
    h3.portfolio-title.preFade.fadeIn { font-size: 18px; } @itsjessicadigital Try this Code
  14. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Navigation on mobile - background color missing was marked as the answer   
    Can you try this in your color palette

  15. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Custom Font Not Working on Navigation Menu was marked as the answer   
    Download Watermelon fonts into your PC and follow these steps :
    Navigate to Custom CSS:
    Go to Pages > Website Tools > Custom CSS. Click on the arrow icon to add or drag your fonts. Upload and Add Font to Custom CSS:
         @font-face { font-family: 'Watermelon'; src: url('FONT URL'); }      Replace 'FONT URL' with the actual URL of your uploaded font file.
    After loading your fonts, add the following code to your Custom CSS
      Use the Font for Selectors:
    Apply the font to any CSS selectors with the following code:
    h1 { font-family: 'Watermelon'; }  
  16. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in Adding overlay with captions om image was marked as the answer   
    Here is the code :
    @media only screen and (min-width: 640px){ #block-12345 { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s } #block-12345:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 1s } } if you have any confusion check out this video https://youtu.be/llSO2AMIb3M?si=DkQKTC43sZ0_dtQX
  17. LoftyDevs-Website-Designer's post in How to add price filter with range slider in product categories was marked as the answer   
    Without Plugin is this possible ?
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